Apptha / One-Step-Checkout

OneStepCheckout greatly simplifies this process, leading to an immediate increase in sales. With the significant performance improvement customers can see the checkout page faster Admin can disable unnecessary fields that leads your customer save their wasting time and gain most satisfaction of your service.
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Errors installation extension by: Direct package file upload #1

Open J-dsgn opened 5 years ago

J-dsgn commented 5 years ago


I have download the zip file:

I try to install it by uploading the zip file in Magento accordingly this tutorial.

Go to System-> Magento Connect-> Magento Connect Manager and upload the package.

See screenshot:

But when click the Upload button the output frame gives following errors:

CONNECT ERROR: Package file is invalid Invalid package name, allowed: [a-zA-Z0-9_-] chars Invalid version, should be like: x.x.x Invalid stability Invalid date, should be YYYY-DD-MM Invalid channel URL Empty authors section Empty package contents section

See screenshot:

What am I doing wrong and how to install the extension OneStep-Checkout right?

Best regards,


sathishkumarContus commented 5 years ago

Hi Joris,

I noticed that you are uploading .zip format package in Magento Connect Manager. For your information, by default in Magento Connect Manager, you can upload only .tgz format package. You can install zip format package using FTP.

Please follow the below steps to install the package (.zip format) via FTP.

Step 1: If you are using the Magento compiler then log into the Magento backend and go to System > Tools > Compilation and turn it off

Step 2: Open the extension ( ZIP file which you downloaded and extract it to a directory on your computer

Step 3: Upload the extracted folders and files into the root directory of your Magento installation The root directory of Magento is the folder that contains the directories such as "app", "js", "skin", "lib" and more

Step 4: Go to System > Cache Management and click both the 'Flush Magento Cache' as well as the 'Flush Cache Storage' button

Step 5: Log out of the Magento admin and log back in.

Thanks, Sathishkumar

J-dsgn commented 5 years ago


Thanks for your quick reply and I will follow up your installation info.

Furthermore another question:

Is your OneStepCheckout extension compatable and suitable for Magento ?

Best regards,


sathishkumarContus commented 5 years ago

Hi Joris,

Our One Step Checkout extension is compatible upto the magento version 1.9.2.x.

Thanks, Sathishkumar

J-dsgn commented 5 years ago


Can you upgrade it so it compatable with Magento version ?

Best regards,


VarunContus commented 5 years ago

Hi Joris,

We have checked our One Step Checkout extension with the Magento version and It is working fine with the default Magento package.

Thanks, Varun P.V.