Apress / Devel-2D-Games-Unity

Source Code for 'Developing 2D Games with Unity: Independent Game Programming with C#' by Jared Halpern
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Chapter 7 causing same issue for me as zantannafrost #51

Closed Surfer63 closed 2 years ago

Surfer63 commented 2 years ago

running virtual camera with the Spawn player seems to be causing the screen to render the UI elements and the background that is set in the virtual camera brain, if i add the player object back into the scene from prefabs and ask the Vcam to follow this it appears to work fine shows the playerobject from prefabs and also the spawn player. how to do i resolve this so that it shows all layers when just running with the spawn player.

Surfer63 commented 2 years ago

deleted gamemanger,cameramanager and spawn point from hierarchy then put spawn point back with only the playerspawn and not enemy, then added in the managers again and was able to get it working like this, then added the spawnpoint back for the enemy, all good.