Apress / Robot-Operating-System-Abs-Begs

Source code for 'Robot Operating System (ROS) for Absolute Beginners:Robotics Programming Made Easy' by Lentin Joseph
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I need to run Robot-operating-system-Abs-Begs in ros moledic #1

Open halqupati opened 5 years ago

halqupati commented 5 years ago

I download Chapter6 project in my catkin_ws .When compile it give my a lot of error about dependencies .

I need steps to run this project in ros melodic ….Please.

gostensvig commented 2 years ago

Hi, You can download the entire repo as a zip file, extract it, and moved the mobile_robot_description into the catkin_ws/src folder. I tried doing this with melodic, and RViz had some issues with Visualizing the urdf files. See Issue 5.