AprilRobotics / apriltag

AprilTag is a visual fiducial system popular for robotics research.
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Build as sub components with defined exports #264

Open j-medland opened 1 year ago

j-medland commented 1 year ago

My first pass at a PR related to #256

The aim here is to provide sub-component libraries for users who don't need/want all the bundled utility functions.

I have maintained the behaviour of the existing libapriltag.so library for backwards compatibility but added the following libraries (with associated cmake exports)

libapriltag-detector.so just the apriltag detector with the exports limited to the detector API libapriltag-utils.so the utility functions used in the examples libapriltag-tags.so all the tag libraries libapriltag-<tag_family>.so each tag family as a standalone library for users who don't need every tag library

I have added the two functions to the apriltag-detector API to compliment the existing apriltag_to_image which provides minimal functionality to write that image to a pnm file and then deallocate it (apriltag_image_write_pnm& apriltag_image_destroy)

Control of exports is achieved via macro definition and cmake's generate_export_headers although its usage is slightly complicated by the fact that multiple targets use the same apriltag_export.h. The WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL target property (requires cmake 3.4) is used to export all functions from libraries on Windows. Having Windows defines means this library builds usable DLLs on Windows.

I have made a big change to the project's structure - separating the library components with their own CMakeLists.txt should hopefully make life easier for longer-term maintenance and moving away from globs and placing the API headers (those distributed with the binaries) into an include/apriltag should provide better control for users integrating this code into other projects.

Happy to hear your thoughts and discuss any changes.


j-medland commented 1 year ago

Ah, looks like from the tests I forgot I was trying some newer cmake features. I think rolling back to 3.5 provides everything I need. 3.12 just provides some handy generator expressions.

j-medland commented 1 year ago

I am currently tweaking this against the CI system so once that all passes, I will squash everything but feel free to take a look now if you want.


j-medland commented 1 year ago

I think this is now all ready for review (after some rebase/squash commit mistakes on my part).

I am happy to hear feedback and make changes as folks see fit.

I did not integrate a command-line-interface application as @dkogan suggested in #256 but I believe these changes should make packaging as they suggest require fewer patches.

This PR also includes the optional builds of the examples as mentioned in #266.

As I mentioned in my comments, managing the exports also allows this library to be build as a DLLs. I have also had success creating a vcpkg portfile based on this commit which would allow easier integration into other projects and address microsoft/vcpkg#12171.

Note - it looks rosdep is missing from the macOS build and causing it to fail

christian-rauch commented 1 year ago

Note - it looks rosdep is missing from the macOS build and causing it to fail

This must be something that changed recently. This pipeline used to work previously.

Can you try to update the ros-tooling/setup-ros@v0.3 action to ros-tooling/setup-ros@v0.4? Maybe this fixes the issue.

christian-rauch commented 1 year ago

Looking at the CI logs, rosdep actually gets installed by pip but the command cannot be found. I believe this is a bug in the GitHub action ros-tooling/setup-ros that is caused by updating the macOS version on the runners (https://github.blog/changelog/2022-10-03-github-actions-jobs-running-on-macos-latest-are-now-running-on-macos-12/).

Since this is a fairly huge PR, I would now wait for the reviews anyway. In the meantime, the issue in the action maybe gets fixed. Otherwise, we can just flag the macOS CI as optional or remove it again.

christian-rauch commented 1 year ago

Can you rebase your PR to fix the CI issue?

j-medland commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'll hopefully have some time over the next couple of weeks to work through the changes you have proposed.

I'll update when things are ready for review again.

j-medland commented 1 year ago

I am still interested and hoping to give it another pass with recent updates and your suggestions soon.


eli-schwartz commented 1 year ago

Finally, the apriltag.pc references only the now legacy apriltag library. Can CMake generate new pkg-config files for the libraries (I know meson can do this)? Otherwise, this new improved separation of functionality will not be available outside of CMake.

cmake doesn't have a native mechanism to do this, but you can just keep track of library names for dependencies in a second list, and format the pkg-config file as a template.