AprilSylph / XKit-Rewritten

🧰 The enhancement suite for Tumblr's new web interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Quick Reblog - API Error #1483

Closed NiaMarBla closed 2 weeks ago

NiaMarBla commented 3 weeks ago


Windows 10


Firefox 126.0.1

Addon version




I have received this error multiple times today. It is fixed upon page refresh (I use pagination on Tumblr). It erases all the tags I've written and no warning is given before the error is thrown up.

"Unable to authorise APIError [401.1023] at ()"

AprilSylph commented 3 weeks ago

Possible duplicate of #206. Are your unread counts also stuck? If so, your Firefox profile is broken and you'll need to start a new one.

marcustyphoon commented 3 weeks ago

Before you try that, I'd also try simply logging out and back in. Of course that doesn't really solve that this happens sometimes, but a) fixes it for you without any permanent effects and b) helps narrow down what's going on.

NiaMarBla commented 3 weeks ago

Logging out and back in didn't fix it. I don't have any unread counts - maybe it's because I'm a week back in my dashboard or it's because i'm using the new layout (since dashboard unfucker no longer works).

I do have an old Tumblr bug simultaneously. When I Like a post it shows the Unlike / heartbreak animation and I have to click Like a second time. This used to happen years ago but Tumblr fixed it themselves.

My Firefox profile is tied to my primary email and the rest of my online prescence - I would prefer to avoid changing it.

AprilSylph commented 3 weeks ago

I don't mean your Firefox account. I mean your local Firefox profile, which stores all your local browser data, including cache, cookies, and other site data. For some reason, it's apparently possible for the site data for Tumblr to become irreparably broken, which causes these myriad weird little issues.

You can log back into your existing Firefox account on a new profile. You also don't strictly need to delete the old profile, but there's no way to fix the corrupted Tumblr site data in it.

NiaMarBla commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! Sorry for the late reply. So I didn't make a new profile but I did "refresh" my Firefox in their troubleshooting section and that seems to have fixed the issue :D

thanks for the help and for the awesome extension