ApsaraDB / PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL

A cloud-native database based on PostgreSQL developed by Alibaba Cloud.
Apache License 2.0
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Discuss the rules about reply - 回复规则讨论 #1

Closed introspection3 closed 3 years ago

introspection3 commented 3 years ago


raywill commented 3 years ago

Please edit your title in English so that more people can understand you. Thank you!

alicloud-qushan commented 3 years ago

We will continue to improve this project, and more innovative technologies such as HLC distributed transactions and plug-in sharding mechanisms will be added in the future. In addition, Alibaba Cloud Database will release more open source products very soon, thanks for your support.

Jackarain commented 3 years ago

Please edit your title in English so that more people can understand you. Thank you!


yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Hi Jackarain and microcai,语言只是载体,无论用中文还是英文,只要能更好的表达自己的观点就可以,以后如果有人用中文提问,就用中文回复吧。

Jackarain commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 平心而论,用中文触动了哪根弦?无非就是一些人觉得英语更有B格而已,装B而已,而且觉得自己的母语低贱。 中文就不能交流吗?所有交流就一定要让老外也能看懂吗?那么老外和老外之间交流,什么时候说为了照顾华人,用中文交流?他们绝不会有半点这种想法。 至少我和中国人说话,不可能要求对面给我讲外语,因为我腿脚不利索,跪不下去。

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

@Jackarain,开源社区是我们大家一起来维护的,raywill 建议标题用中文,是希望更多人看懂问题,更好的推广和传播我们的社区。我觉得我们的社区是开放的,应该尊重每个人的习惯,无论中文或英文,更好的表达观点才是最重要的。希望大家给Jackarain、raywill、microcai等爱好者点赞!

Jackarain commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 是的,我们中国人对老外说外语,实际上这也就是你所说的,尊重他们,才用他们的语言交流。 我们要学习他们的东西,学点外语什么的这也没什么,毕竟他们不可能主动翻译成中文让我们学习。 但这并不代表外语多么的有优越感,如果有这种想法,或表现出这种行为,这是文化极度不自信的表现。 希望有一天,老外来到我们中国,或参与中国人的项目,也希望他们能像我们尊重他们一样,尊重我们,用中文跟我们交流。

alienzj commented 3 years ago

@Jackarain,开源社区是我们大家一起来维护的,raywill 建议标题用中文,是希望更多人看懂问题,更好的推广和传播我们的社区。我觉得我们的社区是开放的,应该尊重每个人的习惯,无论中文或英文,更好的表达观点才是最重要的。希望大家给Jackarain、raywill、microcai等爱好者点赞!

raywill 不是建议标题用中文,恰恰相反,raywill 建议标题用英文。语言是用来交流的, 如果看不懂标题,可以不参与讨论,或者用 google translate; 如果看懂了标题,还要让别人用英文写一遍,那就是故意增加沟通难度了。

Github 从来没有说:Everyone need use english.

特别当你的作品是面向中国用户时, 当然,我们也更希望阿里的作品面向全世界。

LaoshuBaby commented 3 years ago







zopyx commented 3 years ago

English please

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Thank you all of your suggestion from Jackarain, microcai, raywill, alicloud-qushan, 564064202, alienzj, fanvanzh, LaoshuBaby, zopyx. We will continue to keep those rules base on our first discuss, the Language is supporter, your opinion is more important, so you can choose your language by your habit. and the reply will follow the quizzer language.

zopyx commented 3 years ago

Translates to "If you don’t understand, you can learn it. If you can’t learn, you can go to India to take a bath in the Ganges River."

Perhaps it would be better to take your PolarDB back to China if you don't care about the basics in open-source? The language for almost all open-source projects in English. Take it or leave, @microcai Obviously you did not understand how open-source works. So move on with your smelly attitude.

microcai commented 3 years ago


zopyx commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael can you please remove or ban @microcai ?

This attitude is rude and not acceptable. Otherwise, I will file an abuse issue with Github directly.

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Translates to "If you don’t understand, you can learn it. If you can’t learn, you can go to India to take a bath in the Ganges River."

Perhaps it would be better to take your PolarDB back to China if you don't care about the basics in open-source? The language for almost all open-source projects in English. Take it or leave, @microcai Obviously you did not understand how open-source works. So move on with your smelly attitude.

Hi zopyx, Thank you for your support and your gentleman reply! PolarDB is open community with open mind, we will obey global open source rules and make PolarDB became world-wide open source product.

InnerLife0 commented 3 years ago

Translates to "If you don’t understand, you can learn it. If you can’t learn, you can go to India to take a bath in the Ganges River."

Perhaps it would be better to take your PolarDB back to China if you don't care about the basics in open-source? The language for almost all open-source projects in English. Take it or leave, @microcai Obviously you did not understand how open-source works. So move on with your smelly attitude.

I have to say we shouldn't judge an entire nation by one person. Though, if I understand my translator right, such inappropriate behavior may negatively expose the project in the eyes of the community. Let project owners do some decisions about how OK is to talk here in such way, so we can next do our own decision about the project.

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

English please


Hi Microcai, 我看了您的Github账号介绍,已经是社区老兵了!社区贡献很大,而且有365人Follow了您,很厉害!我们之前讨论的问题是用英文还是用中文,之前也有了基本的结论,如果您还有更多建议,可以回复前面的帖子,继续讨论。但发表观点时,请使用礼貌用语,上述观点已经让群里很多同学感到不适了,包括很多中国朋友和外国友人,我觉的这也违背了您花费大量精力,贡献社区的初衷。再次感谢您的支持!

Hi Microcai, I have look your Github account summary, you are veteran in open source! you have lots of contribution in community, and already had 365 follower, it's amazing! Our first discuss is about use English or Chinese to reply by default, and you have give lots good suggestion, we are appreciate for that. and base on first discuss, I think we have got basic conclusion, if you still have new idea, welcome reply our topic for more discuss. But all our opinion should use polite expression,and your above wording already make lots our friends feel uncomfortable, it's include lots our Chinese friends and foreign friends. I think that's already disobey your original intention for service and help more people, thank you for your support again!

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Translates to "If you don’t understand, you can learn it. If you can’t learn, you can go to India to take a bath in the Ganges River." Perhaps it would be better to take your PolarDB back to China if you don't care about the basics in open-source? The language for almost all open-source projects in English. Take it or leave, @microcai Obviously you did not understand how open-source works. So move on with your smelly attitude.

I have to say we shouldn't judge an entire nation by one person. Though, if I understand my translator right, such inappropriate behavior may negatively expose the project in the eyes of the community. Let project owners do some decisions about how OK is to talk here in such way, so we can next do our own decision about the project.

Hi InnerLife0, Thank you for your support and your opinion. I am also feel above reply is rude and make us uncomfortable, and I think that's wording must have some misunderstand for first discuss. hope all of us keep politeness in later discussion. PolarDB is new player for open source, our experience is still not too much, now we see so many friends to take care of us,include lot of Chinese friends and foreign friends. It must help us became better. Hope we are work together to make PolarDB to became world-wide open source product.

Jackarain commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 因为你作为该项目的作者表达了你的观点之后,所以我本来不打算在这个issues下多说什么的。是因为遇到了一个有关libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so的问题,所以再次回到这里,看到了这些,我不得不说,@zopyx 的那一句 「English please」是故意的,甚至是不安好心的,因为他明显看懂了我们在说什么,我想说,这种小技俩其实并不聪明,我既然看到了这一点,必须指出来。

yu199195 commented 3 years ago

PolarDB 没有用吗? 你这个标题确实有点不合适

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 因为你作为该项目的作者表达了你的观点之后,所以我本来不打算在这个issues下多说什么的。是因为遇到了一个有关libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so的问题,所以再次回到这里,看到了这些,我不得不说,@zopyx 的那一句 “English please” 是故意的,甚至是不安好心的,因为他明显看懂了我们在说什么,我想说,这种小技俩其实并不聪明,我既然看到了这一点,必须指出来。

Hi Jackarain,

感谢大家的热烈讨论,让我受益匪浅!有讨论就肯定会有分歧,这很正常,而且我觉得没有分歧的讨论不是好的讨论!:) 尤其大家语言不通,讨论中可能会产生了一些误解,有些言论可能已经违背了讨论的初衷,我虽然是该项目的作者之一,但我没有权利也没有能力评审谁对谁错,而且大家都是为项目好,刨根问底,纠结对错并不重要。根据之前的讨论,以下几个基本原则看大家是否赞同,有疑问可以提出或补充。

  1. 鼓励大家发表观点,但要使用礼貌用语,否则发帖会被删除。
  2. 发帖不强制用英语或中文,回复会尽量按照提问者语言进行回复。
  3. 根据之前与外国团队沟通的经验,通常要求有任何一个外国人在场,尽量要使用英语沟通,保证大家都参与讨论,也是对对方的基本尊重。但有时大家能力有限,全用英语难度会比较大,讨论的效果也不一定会好。所以我们团队内部发帖或回复会尽量遵从这个原则。
Jackarain commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 关于第2条,我看到 @zopyx 他发了一个贴子 https://github.com/alibaba/PolarDB-for-PostgreSQL/issues/22 让你们做二选一,简单来讲,他的意思就是,要么外语,要么滚粗,讲中文很嚣张。


yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

PolarDB 没有用吗? 你这个标题确实有点不合适

@yuwei-michael 关于第2条,我看到 @zopyx 他发了一个贴子 #22 让你们做二选一,简单来讲,他的意思就是,要么外语,要么滚粗,讲中文很嚣张。



Akarinnnnn, fanvanzh, microcai 不好意思,你们之前的几条内容用语不够礼貌,先删除了,同时感谢你们的支持。

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

PolarDB 没有用吗? 你这个标题确实有点不合适

Hi yu199195,

感谢您对PolarDB的支持和鼓励,可能您之前也关注过 “阿里云进入全球数据库领导者象限” 的报道吧,今年阿里云数据库,代表国产自研云原生数据库首次进入Gartner全球数据库领导者象限,以下是Gartner对PolarDB的评价: “阿里云在产品上具备强大的创新能力,其数据库PolarDB已全面应用于零售、电信、物流、金融等多个行业。例如,中国邮政引入分布式数据库PolarDB-X和数据仓库AnalyticDB,在订单业务峰值超过1亿件的情况下,系统平滑稳定运行;中国联通通过PolarDB-X等重构了其核心IT架构,实现对3.6亿用户的无缝“广覆盖”,成为全球最大的云上BSS系统。今年双11,PolarDB再度刷新了数据库处理峰值纪录,高达1.4亿次/秒。” ,此次PolarDB采用按组件开源,是希望大家更多的了解PolarDB产品,后续会开源更多组件和相关产品,希望大家继续支持和鼓励!


Jackarain commented 3 years ago

libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so 在其它贴子里说到源码还没放出来,有没有计划什么时候开放源码?我看到其中引用了openssl老版本的api,是已经被否决的旧api,建议支持到最新版本openssl,毕竟像‘心脏出血’这种漏洞也都是发生在openssl的老版本中

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so 在其它贴子里说到源码还没放出来,有没有计划什么时候开放源码?我看到其中引用了openssl老版本的api,是已经被否决的旧api,建议支持到最新版本openssl,毕竟像‘心脏出血’这种漏洞也都是发生在openssl的老版本中

很好的建议!Poxos 库的代码已经开源出来了,你可以下载最新openssl库,自己编译试试看吧。

Akarinnnnn commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 因为你作为该项目的作者表达了你的观点之后,所以我本来不打算在这个issues下多说什么的。是因为遇到了一个有关libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so的问题,所以再次回到这里,看到了这些,我不得不说,@zopyx 的那一句 “English please” 是故意的,甚至是不安好心的,因为他明显看懂了我们在说什么,我想说,这种小技俩其实并不聪明,我既然看到了这一点,必须指出来。

Hi Jackarain,

感谢大家的热烈讨论,让我受益匪浅!有讨论就肯定会有分歧,这很正常,而且我觉得没有分歧的讨论不是好的讨论!:) 尤其大家语言不通,讨论中可能会产生了一些误解,有些言论可能已经违背了讨论的初衷,我虽然是该项目的作者之一,但我没有权利也没有能力评审谁对谁错,而且大家都是为项目好,刨根问底,纠结对错并不重要。根据之前的讨论,以下几个基本原则看大家是否赞同,有疑问可以提出或补充。

  1. 鼓励大家发表观点,但要使用礼貌用语,否则发帖会被删除。
  2. 发帖不强制用英语或中文,回复会尽量按照提问者语言进行回复。
  3. 根据之前与外国团队沟通的经验,通常要求有任何一个外国人在场,尽量要使用英语沟通,保证大家都参与讨论,也是对对方的基本尊重。但有时大家能力有限,全用英语难度会比较大,讨论的效果也不一定会好。所以我们团队内部发帖或回复会尽量遵从这个原则。

这一个很合适。 多说一点,选用外语交流时,为了避免因为自己外语水平不佳而引起的问题,可以在文末附上原文。

Akarinnnnn commented 3 years ago

“避免不礼貌用语”这点我可以理解。 毕竟也不是经常泡在这里,多少还不习惯gh的风格

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 因为你作为该项目的作者表达了你的观点之后,所以我本来不打算在这个issues下多说什么的。是因为遇到了一个有关libpolar_consensus_wrapper.so的问题,所以再次回到这里,看到了这些,我不得不说,@zopyx 的那一句 “English please” 是故意的,甚至是不安好心的,因为他明显看懂了我们在说什么,我想说,这种小技俩其实并不聪明,我既然看到了这一点,必须指出来。

Hi Jackarain, 感谢大家的热烈讨论,让我受益匪浅!有讨论就肯定会有分歧,这很正常,而且我觉得没有分歧的讨论不是好的讨论!:) 尤其大家语言不通,讨论中可能会产生了一些误解,有些言论可能已经违背了讨论的初衷,我虽然是该项目的作者之一,但我没有权利也没有能力评审谁对谁错,而且大家都是为项目好,刨根问底,纠结对错并不重要。根据之前的讨论,以下几个基本原则看大家是否赞同,有疑问可以提出或补充。

  1. 鼓励大家发表观点,但要使用礼貌用语,否则发帖会被删除。
  2. 发帖不强制用英语或中文,回复会尽量按照提问者语言进行回复。
  3. 根据之前与外国团队沟通的经验,通常要求有任何一个外国人在场,尽量要使用英语沟通,保证大家都参与讨论,也是对对方的基本尊重。但有时大家能力有限,全用英语难度会比较大,讨论的效果也不一定会好。所以我们团队内部发帖或回复会尽量遵从这个原则。

这一个很合适。 多说一点,选用外语交流时,为了避免因为自己外语水平不佳而引起的问题,可以在文末附上原文。


Byronyi, 不好意思,把你的回复删除了!

byronyi commented 3 years ago


See https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport/issues/467#issuecomment-198496876

LaoshuBaby commented 3 years ago

Is it really necessary to conduct such strict speech censorship? Can Alibaba's strict censorship of community discussions really create a good community environment?

byronyi commented 3 years ago

Is it really necessary to conduct such strict speech censorship? Can Alibaba's strict censorship of community discussions really create a good community environment?

It's not censorship. Only government agency that is qualified to carry out "censorship". This is moderating.

If you don't like it, please just go away. Posting hate speech does not make the world a better place.

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Sorry Zopyx, I have delete your last reply since it's impolite, Please reply my comments about your topic, if you have any doubt about that rules based on our early discuss, please let us to know, we can try to fix it and make everyone happy.

yu199195 commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 以我做开源和参与社区的经验来看,你完全可以不用理会这些人。 你的脾气确实比我好多了。

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

@yuwei-michael 以我做开源和参与社区的经验来看,你完全可以不用理会这些人。 你的脾气确实比我好多了。

Hi yu199195, 多谢支持!PolarDB才刚开源,群里这么多人关心我们,展开热烈讨论,我觉得这是好事,便于我们尽快发现问题,指定策略,规避问题。Zopyx 也是非常关心我们社区的,开始一直很绅士的提出来很多宝贵建议,后来是被人的不礼貌行为惹毛了,所以建议大家都耐心点,把规则先定下来,有了规则,后面就不会有更多误会了。希望Zopyx还在,可以看下我们社区讨论建议,给出更多有用的建议。

Hi yu199195, Thank you for your support! PolarDB is new open source project, so many people take care of us, it's chance for us to find and resolve our issue, just need more patience. Mr. Zopyx is also very take care our community, he have give lots of good suggestion at beginning very gentlemen. But he is infuriate by some guys, I think if we have rules, those would not happen again. Hope he is still here, and give more suggestion about our common rules for our community discuss.

ChoviWu commented 3 years ago


InnerLife0 commented 3 years ago

There was a lot of hate speech here and I don't want to take any side. Why? You may be right ten thousand times in general, but when you rude and impolite you are not right by default. And the fact somebody else talk with you so, don't give you any right to reply in the same way.

There is one proverb. "Who's smarter? The one who can stop first."

Humaneness is not about nations, language or anything else. Let's not judge everyone by one person. Let us be smarter, say STOP, turn this page and meet a new day with conclusions which was ALREADY done. We don't need to spend our energy for hate speeches or reply to them. Really.

Thank you. P.S. I cannot translate this message into Chinese because I doubt the quality of the translation. If somebody bilingual can do this, you are welcome.

Jackarain commented 3 years ago

Perhaps you want to delete a comment like "If you don’t understand, you can learn it. If you can’t learn, you can go to India to take a bath in the Ganges River."" which is discrimatory against Indians as well 🤔 Anyway...you had your chance...

Hi, @zopyx

我并不认为 @microcai 有冒犯到你,更没有什么歧视,因为如果你对这个世界足够了解,对印度足够了解,你就会知道,去印度恒河游泳是一件神圣的事情,那是印度教每12年1次的大壶节,才有的机会,因为印度人相信通过在恒河游泳能洗清罪孽。当然,如果你不喜欢或者不认同去印度恒河游泳是一件好事,那你完全可以说不去,没人会强迫你游泳,你不必过多纠结。


LaoshuBaby commented 3 years ago

There was a lot of hate speech here and I don't want to take any side. Why? You may be right ten thousand times in general, but when you rude and impolite you are not right by default. And the fact somebody else talk with you so, don't give you any right to reply in the same way.

There is one proverb. "Who's smarter? The one who can stop first."

Humaneness is not about nations, language or anything else. Let's not judge everyone by one person. Let us be smarter, say STOP, turn this page and meet a new day with conclusions which was ALREADY done. We don't need to spend our energy for hate speeches or reply to them. Really.

Thank you. P.S. I cannot translate this message into Chinese because I doubt the quality of the translation. If somebody bilingual can do this, you are welcome.

Translation 译文

这里有非常多的充满了憎恨的发言,并且我不打算支持任何一方。为什么? 通常,你可能已经做过一万件正确的事情,但是当你粗鄙发言的时候,你已经默认是不占理的一方了,并且事实是别人正在试图和你交流,请不要给自己任何以同样方式怼回去的借口。



谢谢你! 另外,我不能把这段文字翻译成中文,因为我不相信自动翻译的质量。如果有谁同时会中文和英文能翻译一下的话,提前谢谢了。

Annotation 译注

①但是说实话我没查到这个 ②确实如此,谷歌翻译有时候一些“不对味”的地方还是有的,不过日常沟通足够了 ③兄弟姐妹们咱差不多得了,这老外说的挺实诚的,大家明天还得该上学的上学,该上班的上班,散了吧,我之前也不够冷静,中文英文问题一直就是开源社区老辩经了

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

There was a lot of hate speech here and I don't want to take any side. Why? You may be right ten thousand times in general, but when you rude and impolite you are not right by default. And the fact somebody else talk with you so, don't give you any right to reply in the same way.

There is one proverb. "Who's smarter? The one who can stop first."

Humaneness is not about nations, language or anything else. Let's not judge everyone by one person. Let us be smarter, say STOP, turn this page and meet a new day with conclusions which was ALREADY done. We don't need to spend our energy for hate speeches or reply to them. Really.

Thank you. P.S. I cannot translate this message into Chinese because I doubt the quality of the translation. If somebody bilingual can do this, you are welcome.

Hi InnerLife0, I am full agree your opinions, all debate is stop already. I know the power of philosophy now. I think original intention of all guys is good, but we don't familiar about communication in cross-culture, cross-language. it's make some misunderstanding, after this sufficient discuss, we have reach an agreement about the rules in our group discuss. I think similar misunderstanding will wouldn't happen again. hope we can meet our best friends here through more cooperation. Thank you LaoshuBaby help us to translate this speech! 😀

InnerLife0, 您好,很赞同您的观点,一切争论都停止了,现在了解哲学的力量了!其实大家的初衷都是好的,但对于跨国文化和语言方面的沟通还不熟悉,出现了一些误会,经过充分讨论,我们已经规范了群里的讨论规范,类似情况以后应该不会再发生了。通过后续的合作,希望大家在这里找到会最好的朋友。多谢LaoshuBaby帮忙翻译! 😀

yuwei-michael commented 3 years ago

Hi Microcai, 非常抱歉,按照我们之前群里的讨论结果,刚删除了您的不当言论,拜托请不要再发表激化矛盾的言论了,我们开源的主要目的是技术交流,欢迎您为社区多做贡献,多些技术上的指导和建议。

microcai commented 3 years ago

我们开会的时候,第一件事儿就是四下看看,有没有老外,没有的话,当然说汉语啦。 糟糕的莫过于就在我们觉得可以不用说英语的时候,进来个老外,或者发现角落里坐着个老外。 还有更糟糕的,角落里有个老外,我们说了几个小时英语,才发现他是来维修会议室设备的,根本不是来参加会议的。