Apsysikal / bachome

A BACnet plugin for Homebridge.
Apache License 2.0
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Bachome - AI or AV without thermostat oder cooling, like only outsidetempreatur #12

Closed koerby closed 2 years ago

koerby commented 3 years ago


at first thanks for the fix, the switch works great! I wait a long time for a bacnet homebridge plugin, thank you very much!

Give it an option for only AI oder AV? Like outsidetempretaur or something else? I have two bacnet controller for my heating system an now i want to show the temperaturs in homekit or set the setpoints.

koerby commented 3 years ago

I have on controller with DeviceID = 1 , there the switch works fine and i have another one with DeviceID= 2100227, there the switch doesn't work, i think i musst be config the device id? any idea?

koerby commented 3 years ago

Hi again, i have programm my bacnet controller new with ai's and av's for the thermostate object, give it a change to make the "currentHeatingCoolingState": "AI:20" also with an AV?

Apsysikal commented 3 years ago


Glad to hear it works :) I'll look into adding the option for standalone objects like a sensor. The object variety with AIs and AVs, as well as BIs and BVs is also a thing I'd like to add.

Under the hood I use BACstack, which, according to the official documentation only uses the IP address for communication. There is no way for me to specify a device ID in the library. Maybe if you had some logs I could look into that but at first glance my hands are tied in the device ID problem.

Apsysikal commented 2 years ago

Update 1.4.0 brings functionality for temperature sensors. You can use AI, AV, AO objects with the new accessory.