Apt3kStudio / Phone

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Create a threshold table for the main 3 feature #83

Open jagomez16 opened 5 years ago

jagomez16 commented 5 years ago


Create custom thresholds for registered devices and stores them on the DeviceEventThreshold table. See the table definition bellow:

DeviceEventThreshold Table

Field Name Data Type Description
ID Int Primary Key
Device ID Int ID for registered device
isVibrate Bool Enabled or Disabled Vibration
isSound Bool Enabled or Disabled Sound
isFlash Bool Enabled or Disabled Flash
VibrateThreshold Int Threshold for Device to Trigger
SoundThreshold Int Threshold for Device to Trigger
FlashThreshold Int Threshold for Device to Trigger

The Device(Phone) class should be the base class that should be called to perform all of the operations. All preliminary functionality should be exclusively accessible through Device(Phone) class.

The data from this table should be created on registered devices and pass down to the Device(Phone) class to performs load or saving operations. Registered devices should be able to create a new instance of the device(Phone) which should be used to save and get settings from the DeviceEventThreshold.

Registered Device
