AptlyOrg / jobs

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Dev #7

Closed AdminAtAptly closed 6 years ago

AdminAtAptly commented 6 years ago

You couldn't see the files I mentioned in https://github.com/AptlyOrg/jobs/issues/5 because I had not push my updates.

This a pull request for those changes, in other words, I am requesting that you pull my changes into your branch, tbone.

You should be able to merge my updates automatically, meaning you don't have to do any work to resolve conflicts that sometimes emerge when shuffling to different version of the same project.

Once you accept my pull request and merge my changes (along with the mystery files you were looking for) will be included in the tbone branch, but only remotely for you in the Github cloud. If you still have the tbone branch on your Mini you should be able to check it out and do a git pull origin tbone. If you don't have that one remaining then just do a git fetch then git checkout tbone and you should be able to do your 'git pull origin tbone'. If it tells you all files are up-to-date then you have the late and greatest and you can do a git checkout -b <whatever branch> and start hacking away on your next ticket.

I got pretty busy this week, but if you run into any problems we can use our next talk to do a more in-depth chat on how to handle remote code repositories with Git.