AptosNOT / Aptos-Accounting-Double-Underline-ISN-T

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Aptos Accounting Double Underline ISN'T #1

Open AptosNOT opened 2 months ago

AptosNOT commented 2 months ago

The designer of Aptos font clearly has no idea of the importance of actually using two lines, not just a heavier single line, for the subject character. Accounting Double Underline has a significant meaning to the eye, compared to Accounting Single Underline. With the new font, it is nearly impossible to distinguish between the two.

Look at a single number in a column of numbers on an accounting report. That number is underlined with a single line. Is that an Accounting Single Underline or an Accounting Double Underline? It is impossible to tell without scanning the column of numbers looking for others that are underlined. Now, try to figure out if one of the underlines is slightly thicker than others. IMPOSSIBLE. A waste of time forcing the reader to distinguish between degrees of line thickness.

This design makes no more sense than it would be to create a font where the character "1" in normal typeface = one and "1" in bold face = ten.

PLEASE FIX THE FONT. That design is a major screw-up that should not stand. Accounting Double Underline means just that....two lines under the number. MicroSoft, you have just made the default font unusable for anybody who tries to use Excel to produce financial reports. Thanks a lot. Now I have to reconfigure to avoid using the default font. Much appreciated.

AptosNOT commented 2 months ago

PS.. The issue is not apparent on the screen. Just try to print the document. That's when the thin and thicker single line becomes apparent.

AptosNOT commented 2 months ago

PPS The same issue exists with Double Underline. Only one line prints under the word or number. Also, for Single and Double underline, when underlining numbers, the line underlines the whole cell, not just the number. In the cell: line, space, underlined number. Check this out in Excel Print Preview.