AquaticEcoDynamics / libaed-water

Code for the AED water quality model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Move setup reporting to a file #31

Open matthipsey opened 2 years ago

matthipsey commented 2 years ago

Hi @casper-boon

Can you please make it so this function that summarises the model config setup goes to a file? Some preferences:

---------------------- AED Variables Summary ---------------------- Var name | Module | Type | ID | Usage (ie who linked to me)

ENVIRONMENT: temperature ??? 3D --- MAC, TRC, NCS, OXY, SIL, NIT, PHS, OGM, PHY salinity ??? 3D --- MAC, TRC, NCS, OXY, NIT, OGM, density ??? 3D --- OGM, PHY layer_ht ??? 3D --- MAC, OXY, OGM, PHY layer_area ??? 2D --- OXY rain ??? 2D --- NIT, PHS rainloss ??? 2D --- material ??? 2D --- bathy ??? 2D --- extc_coef ??? 3D --- MAC, OGM, PHY, TOT tss ??? 3D --- par ??? 3D --- MAC, OGM, PHY, TOT cell_vel ??? 3D --- nir ??? 3D --- uva ??? 3D --- OGM uvb ??? 3D --- OGM sed_zone ??? 2D --- SDF, MAC, NCS, PHY wind_speed ??? 2D --- OXY par_sf ??? 2D --- MAC, PHY taub ??? 2D --- NCS air_temp ??? 2D --- MAC longwave ??? 2D --- col_num ??? 2D --- col_depth ??? 2D --- nearest_active ??? 2D --- nearest_depth ??? 2D ---

STATE: MAC_halophila aed_macrophyte 2D MAC NCS TRC_age aed_tracer 3D TRC NCS_ss1 aed_noncohesive 3D NCS PHS, TOT NCS_ss1_sed aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_ss2 aed_noncohesive 3D NCS TOT NCS_ss2_sed aed_noncohesive 2D NCS OXY_oxy aed_oxygen 3D OXY SIL, NIT, PHS, OGM, PHY SIL_rsi aed_silica 3D SIL PHY NIT_amm aed_nitrogen 3D NIT OGM, PHY, TOT NIT_nit aed_nitrogen 3D NIT OGM, PHY, TOT PHS_frp aed_phosphorus 3D PHS OGM, PHY, TOT PHS_frp_ads aed_phosphorus 3D PHS TOT OGM_doc aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_poc aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_don aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_pon aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_dop aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_pop aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY, TOT OGM_docr aed_organic_matter 3D OGM TOT OGM_donr aed_organic_matter 3D OGM TOT OGM_dopr aed_organic_matter 3D OGM TOT OGM_cpom aed_organic_matter 3D OGM TOT PHY_grn aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY TOT PHY_bga aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY TOT PHY_crypt aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY TOT PHY_diatom aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY TOT PHY_dino aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY TOT PHY_dino_IN aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_mpb aed_phytoplankton 2D PHY

DIAGNOSTIC: SDF_Fsed_oxy aed_sedflux 2D SDF OXY SDF_Fsed_rsi aed_sedflux 2D SDF SIL SDF_Fsed_amm aed_sedflux 2D SDF NIT SDF_Fsed_nit aed_sedflux 2D SDF NIT SDF_Fsed_frp aed_sedflux 2D SDF PHS SDF_Fsed_doc aed_sedflux 2D SDF OGM SDF_Fsed_don aed_sedflux 2D SDF OGM SDF_Fsed_dop aed_sedflux 2D SDF OGM MAC_par aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_gpp aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_p_r aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_mac aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_lai aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_mac_ag aed_macrophyte 2D MAC MAC_mac_bg aed_macrophyte 2D MAC NCS_ss1_vvel aed_noncohesive 3D NCS PHS NCS_ss2_vvel aed_noncohesive 3D NCS NCS_ss_sed aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_tau_0 aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_epsilon aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_fs1 aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_fs2 aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_swi_dz aed_noncohesive 2D NCS NCS_resus aed_noncohesive 2D NCS OGM, PHY NCS_d_taub aed_noncohesive 2D NCS OXY_sat aed_oxygen 3D OXY OXY_sed_oxy aed_oxygen 2D OXY OXY_atm_oxy_flux aed_oxygen 2D OXY SIL_sed_rsi aed_silica 2D SIL NIT_sed_amm aed_nitrogen 2D NIT NIT_sed_nit aed_nitrogen 2D NIT NIT_nitrif aed_nitrogen 3D NIT NIT_denit aed_nitrogen 3D NIT NIT_anammox aed_nitrogen 3D NIT NIT_dnra aed_nitrogen 3D NIT NIT_atm_din_flux aed_nitrogen 2D NIT PHS_sed_frp aed_phosphorus 2D PHS PHS_atm_dip_flux aed_phosphorus 2D PHS OGM_Psed_poc aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_Psed_cpom aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_Psed_pon aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_Psed_pop aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_CDOM aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_sed_toc aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_sed_ton aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_sed_top aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_poc aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_doc aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_pon aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_don aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_pop aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_swi_dop aed_organic_matter 2D OGM OGM_poc_hydrol aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_doc_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_pon_hydrol aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_don_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_pop_hydrol aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_dop_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_anaerobic aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_denit aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_docr_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_donr_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_dopr_miner aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_BOD5 aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_pom_vvel aed_organic_matter 3D OGM OGM_cpom_vvel aed_organic_matter 3D OGM PHY_grn_NtoP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fI aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fNit aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fPho aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fSil aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fT aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_fSal aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_grn_SED aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_NtoP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fI aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fNit aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fPho aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fSil aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fT aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_fSal aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_bga_SED aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_NtoP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fI aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fNit aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fPho aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fSil aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fT aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_fSal aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_crypt_SED aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_NtoP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fI aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fNit aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fPho aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fSil aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fT aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_fSal aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_diatom_SED aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_NtoP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fI aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fNit aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fPho aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fSil aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fT aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_fSal aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_SED aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_dino_vvel aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_Psed_phy aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_GPP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_NCP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_PPR aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_NPR aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_NUP_no3 aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_NUP_nh4 aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_PUP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_CUP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_PAR aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_TCHLA aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_TPHYS aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_IN aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_IP aed_phytoplankton 3D PHY PHY_MPB aed_phytoplankton 2D PHY PHY_BPP aed_phytoplankton 2D PHY PHY_BCP aed_phytoplankton 2D PHY PHY_MPBV aed_phytoplankton 2D PHY TOT_tn aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_tp aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_toc aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_tss aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_turbidity aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_light aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_par aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_uv aed_totals 3D TOT TOT_extc aed_totals 3D TOT