Arachni / arachni

Web Application Security Scanner Framework
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--plugin=proxy not detecting FORM #135

Closed ChrisJohnRiley closed 12 years ago

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

I'm trying to use the proxy plugin to restrict Arachni to specific resources using the following command .:

arachni --mods=,-common --link-count=0 --depth=0 --redirect-limit=0 --report=html:outfile=my_html_report_repeat_low_proxy.html --plugin=proxy:port=8282,bind_address=

However in testing with DVWA, the proxy doesn't seem to pickup the presense of a FORM on the page.

Example Output:

Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework v0.4.1 [0.2.5] Author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos (With the support of the community and the Arachni Team.)

   Website: -

[~] No audit options were specified. [~] -> Will audit links, forms and cookies. /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/customrequire.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. [] Initing... [] Waiting for plugins to settle... [~] Proxy: System paused. [] Proxy: Listening on: [] Proxy: Shutdown URL: http://arachni.proxy.shutdown/ [~] Proxy: The scan will resume once you visit the shutdown URL. [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [_] Proxy: Requesting: [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 1 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies

The resource has a form present, but when loading the page through the proxy it doesn't pick it up. Even when you submit a value to the form through the proxy it still doesn't detect it ( [~] Proxy: * 0 forms). The Login.php is however detected ([~] Proxy: * 1 forms). Could this be because the form is only a single entry field?

source-code snippet:

    <form action="#" method="GET">
        <input type="text" name="id">
        <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
Zapotek commented 12 years ago

It also misses the cookies... Looking into it.

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

Out of interest, is this the correct way to limit Arachni to only scan what you specifically visited in the browser (--link-count=0 --depth=0 --redirect-limit=0) or is there some more intelligent method? #OneOfTHOSEDays

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

--link-count=0 would suffice.

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

One of those things for one of those days...Embarrassing...

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

did another 'git pull' this end and getting pretty much the same output.

arachni --mods=,-common --link-count=0 --report=html:outfile=my_html_report_repeat_low_proxy.html --plugin=proxy:port=8282,bind_address=

[~] No audit options were specified. [~] -> Will audit links, forms and cookies. /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/customrequire.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. [] Initing... [] Waiting for plugins to settle... [~] Proxy: System paused. [] Proxy: Listening on: [] Proxy: Shutdown URL: http://arachni.proxy.shutdown/ [~] Proxy: The scan will resume once you visit the shutdown URL. [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 1 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [_] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies

It picks up the Login.php only after you fill it out and submit it. Doesn't seem to show the cookie it's set. Again, no change on the SQLi page (form not detected even after submitting it).

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

Not sure on which branch you're on but switch to both master and experimental and pull from both.

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

Did a pull on both, made sure Cookies were cleared, still seeing the same this end. Sorry.

~/arachni git checkout master && git pull Switched to branch 'master' Already up-to-date.

~/arachni git checkout experimental && git pull Switched to branch 'experimental' Already up-to-date.

~/arachni arachni --mods=,-common --link-count=0 --report=html:outfile=my_html_report_repeat_low_proxy.html --plugin=proxy:port=8282,bind_address= Arachni - Web Application Security Scanner Framework v0.4.1 [0.2.5] Author: Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos (With the support of the community and the Arachni Team.)

   Website: -

[~] No audit options were specified. [~] -> Will audit links, forms and cookies. /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/customrequire.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. [] Initing... [] Waiting for plugins to settle... [~] Proxy: System paused. [] Proxy: Listening on: [] Proxy: Shutdown URL: http://arachni.proxy.shutdown/ [~] Proxy: The scan will resume once you visit the shutdown URL. [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 1 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies [_] Proxy: Requesting: [~] Proxy: * 0 forms [~] Proxy: * 0 links [~] Proxy: * 0 cookies

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

Just to make completely sure. Did you rake install after pulling in order to install the updated code?

You either need to rake install the code or run the arachni scripts from your local repo ./bin/arachni.

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

Hangs his head in shame

Ok, so now it's picking up the Cookies when set, and the forms. However for some reason even with --link-count=0 and only login.php, index.php and /vulnerabilities/sqli/ visited through the proxy, it still checks /vulnerabilities/fi/ ??? Very odd

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

Something in the pages you visited must be pointing to 'fi/' in one way or another. Anyways, glad you got it working.

ChrisJohnRiley commented 12 years ago

Not that I can see... Used Burp to proxy every request (setup to forward all requests sent to to the test web app on

Requests from the browser, through Arachni proxy plugin, through Burp are only to /login.php, index.php, and vulnerabilities/sql (and favicon, css, etc..). Both index.php and sql have links that point to vulnerabilities/fi but with --link-count=0 shouldn't that exclude them (plus, no other pages href'd from index.php are scanned).

Can provide Burp output, or anything else you might need.. or we chalk it up to oddness and move on with our lives!