Arachni / arachni

Web Application Security Scanner Framework
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arachni can't handle gb2312 charset #54

Closed deltay closed 12 years ago

deltay commented 13 years ago

during scann: /home/zapotek/rubygems/gems/gems/arachni-0.3/lib/nokogiri/xml/node.rb:30: warning: failed to load encoding (gb2312); use ASCII-8BIT instead output error : unknown encoding gb2312

when generate report:

[*] SQLInjection: Analyzing response #191...

[*] Creating HTML report... [-] invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 [-] invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/cgi/util.rb:34:in gsub': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/cgi/util.rb:34:inescapeHTML' from /home/zapotek/rubygems/gems/gems/arachni-0.3/reports/html.rb:99:in escapeHTML' from (erb):915:inblock (2 levels) in run'

Zapotek commented 13 years ago

Can you e-mail me a sample page with that encoding?

Zapotek commented 12 years ago

I just tested this with the code in experimental and it seems that it's already been fixed.

Re-open this if you encounter any problems.