Arachni / arachni

Web Application Security Scanner Framework
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Arachni dont audit all.. missing something #803

Closed moku23 closed 7 years ago

moku23 commented 7 years ago

Hello, i've seen arachni dont audits all links in webpage this is my commandline:

./arachni_multi --http-user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.4.2; Nexus 4 Build/KOT49H) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/34.0.1847.114 Mobile Safari/537.36" --audit-cookies-extensively --audit-headers --audit-jsons --audit-parameter-names --audit-with-both-methods --audit-ui-forms --audit-links --audit-forms --audit-xmls --audit-ui-inputs --audit-cookies --audit-with-extra-parameter --http-request-concurrency=15 --http-response-max-size=9800000 --http-request-timeout=2300 --checks sql_injection* ""

Zapotek commented 7 years ago

Does the issue occur when using the simple arachni executable instead of arachni_multi?

moku23 commented 7 years ago

both methods, multi and arachni:(

 [*] Audited elements:
 [~] * Links
 [~] * Forms
 [~] * Cookies
 [~] * XMLs
 [~] * JSONs
 [~] * UI inputs
 [~] * UI forms

 [+] http://www.*******************.it/
 [+] http://www.*******************.it/credits.html
 [+] http://www.*******************.it/js/functions.js
Zapotek commented 7 years ago

I'm going to need more information, is there any chance I can be given access to the webapp? Also, please try the nightlies and see if they make any difference using the arachni executable.

moku23 commented 7 years ago

im tring with nightly, but there are a problem when start ./arachni

./arachni: line 11: /home/ubuntu/arachni-2.0dev-1.0dev/bin/../system/usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory

but ruby are present

PS: nothing to do, nightlies had the some problem

Zapotek commented 7 years ago

I lost you, did the nightlies work but had the same problem or did they not work at all?

moku23 commented 7 years ago

i've tried windows version and it work, but the results are the same.

Zapotek commented 7 years ago

Are you sure you downloaded the right package for your architecture before? The packages work for me.

As for the problem, I don't think I can fix it without direct access to the webapp. Can you at least paste the HTML code of the page along with some example of things that were missed?

moku23 commented 7 years ago

write you on email

Zapotek commented 7 years ago

From your e-mail I see that the webpage is mainly built with Flash, which is not supported.

moku23 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for support. Have a nice day. grants for your project.