Arackulele / Aracardexpansion

A Card expansion for Part 1 of Inscryption made by me
2 stars 3 forks source link

Acorn Totem doesn't spawn squirrel god #5

Open Biomassfreak opened 2 years ago

Biomassfreak commented 2 years ago
[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - Inscryption (19/03/2022 5:24:11 p.m.)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.24.6137584
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.17020
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: False
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [APIPatcher]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [APIPatcher.InscryptionAPIPatcher]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 20 plugins to load
[Warning:   BepInEx] Skipping [SigilArtPatch] because a newer version exists (SigilArtPatch
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [InscryptionAPI 2.1.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AnthonysSigils]
[Warning:InscryptionAPI] Some plugins installed require an outdated version of the API.
An attempt has been made that these still work, but it isn't perfect, so please search for those to disable if you experience any problems.
[Info   :AnthonysSigils] Loaded AnthonysSigils!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AnthonysLatchFix]
[Info   :AnthonysLatchFix] Loaded AnthonysLatchFix!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [AraCardExpansion 3.4.0]
[Info   :AraCardExpansion] Loaded AraCardExpansion!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [InscryptionCommunityPatch 1.0.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Cost Render Fix 1.3.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [CardNodeFix 1.0.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Extra Sigils 3.1.0]
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Another custom sigil mod 1.0.0]
[Info   :Another custom sigil mod] Loaded Another custom sigil mod! - Made by Memez4Life
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Void Bone Pack 3.0.0]
[Message:Void Bone Pack] Did not find side decks, adding Undead Axolotl to the default pools
[Message:Void Bone Pack] Did not find side decks, adding tanuki pups to the default pools
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Gareth's Mod]
[Info   :Gareth's Mod] Loaded Gareth's Mod!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ActivatedAbilityFix]
[Info   :ActivatedAbilityFix] Loaded ActivatedAbilityFix!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [ConduitAbilityFix 1.0.0]
[Info   :ConduitAbilityFix] Loaded ConduitAbilityFix!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [SigilArtPatch]
[Info   :SigilArtPatch] Loaded SigilArtPatch!
[Info   :SigilArtPatch] Sigil Art Loaded!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [TotemStartMod 1.1.2]
[Info   :TotemStartMod] Loaded TotemStartMod!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Multiple Sigil Fix 1.0.0]
[Info   :Multiple Sigil Fix] Loaded Multiple sigil fix mod! - Made by Memez4Life
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Fuck Sacrifice Restrictions]
[Info   :Fuck Sacrifice Restrictions] Loaded Fuck Sacrifice Restrictions!
[Info   :Fuck Sacrifice Restrictions] [FSR]: Applying Harmony Patches...
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Infiniscryption Stackable Sigils 1.0.4]
[Info   :Infiniscryption Stackable Sigils] Plugin Infiniscryption Stackable Sigils is loaded!
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Void's Sigil Manager 3.0.1]
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   :   Console] Searching for compatible XInput library...
[Info   :   Console] Found Xinput1_4.dll.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 1092790
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561198035734088 [API loaded no]
[Info   : Unity Log] Test save file:
[Info   : Unity Log] DiskCardGame.StoryEventsData
[Message:Void Bone Pack] Vanilla config fired 1
[Message:Void Bone Pack] Vanilla config fired 2
[Info   :Void Bone Pack] Could not create pack. Pack Manager API is not installed
[Info   : Unity Log] Test save file:
[Info   : Unity Log] DiskCardGame.StoryEventsData
[Info   : Unity Log] Received stats and achievements from Steam

[Info   : Unity Log] StoreStats - success
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Warning: Unity Log] DiskCardGame.AscensionChallengeInfo must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new AscensionChallengeInfo.
[Info   : Unity Log] Test save file:
[Info   : Unity Log] DiskCardGame.StoryEventsData
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stack trace:
DiskCardGame.CardLoader.Clone (DiskCardGame.CardInfo c) (at <7fc465931aad4dd58584b71818ae0d77>:0)
DiskCardGame.CardLoader.GetCardByName (System.String name) (at <7fc465931aad4dd58584b71818ae0d77>:0)
AraCardExpansion.GodabilitySquirrel.get_CardToDraw () (at <f05da35ddf6c4703b834b9eb196864cd>:0)
DiskCardGame.DrawCreatedCard+<CreateDrawnCard>d__6.MoveNext () (at <7fc465931aad4dd58584b71818ae0d77>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <3f8c35799b544274b189c23afcaaf82e>:0)

When I place the card down, no cards spawn in my hand and I can't ring the bell!

It was the last card in my hand and I had a moose buck on the board


FlamingBirdz commented 2 years ago

The totem for the squirrel god is not the only one causing issues. The other totem cards are doing the same thing.