Arantis / Meridian59_112

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 112
5 stars 3 forks source link

Wiki fehler #41

Closed tyras2 closed 7 years ago

tyras2 commented 7 years ago

Wiki OpenMeridian

For Alzahakar (The boxy thing.) one must simply be Level 5 in a spellschool with one level five spell at 50% or higher (Anything not Weaponscraft.) For Esseledi (Crystal Sphere) there's some shit about having alot of nodes, just have over 100 mana and he'll love the shit out of you. For Bei Naq (The Faberge egg thingy) carry around 10k in shillings and he wil

Unser Wiki

Alzahakar Die Hütte des EremitenRunenverzierte Truhemind. Level 5 in einer Zauberschule Bei Naq Weg des KönigsJuwelenbesetztes Eimind. 10000 sh im Inventar Zylill Ursprung vom Fluss IlleJade Katzemind. Level 5 in den Waffenfertigkeiten Drex Vor Schloß VictoriaDämonenschädelmind. 85HPs Esseldi DruidenhügelKristallkugelmind. 85HPs

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