Arantis / Meridian59_112

The MMORPG Meridian 59 - Server 112
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OgreClient + Blakserv + UDP (Send Move/Attack Fail) #44

Closed NHuebner1983 closed 6 years ago

NHuebner1983 commented 6 years ago

I have spent several days stuck not being able to use the OgreClient - And debugging with no luck.

Can you let me know what step is missing to make the 112 Sever + 112 OgreClient work together?

Problem: OgreClient connects but does not send Movement Requests to Blakserv Confirmed: Blakserv is not receiving turn/move requests.

Also: Session ID is left out of the LoginOKMessage sent back to the Client.

Any help would be appreciated!

NHuebner1983 commented 6 years ago


I was able to get it figured out.

It looks like UDP is not working on this computer, even with the Firewall turned off.

I patched my client temporarily until someone can help me figure out the UDP issue - Do you have any notes on using UDP?

File: Meridian59\Protocol\ServerConnection.cs

Around line 270 (protected void Send())

            // enable UDP for MeridianNext
            //#if !VANILLA && !OPENMERIDIAN
            //            const bool USE_UDP = true;
            //            const bool USE_UDP = false;

            const bool USE_UDP = false;