AravindLakamapurmath / Aravind-lm

master slave robotic arm
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Open AravindLakamapurmath opened 1 year ago

AravindLakamapurmath commented 1 year ago
  1. The line #include "stm32f10x.h" includes a header file that provides access to the STM32F10x's hardware abstraction layer (HAL) library.
  2. This library provides functions for configuring and controlling the microcontroller's various peripherals, including GPIO pins.
  3. The code defines three constants: NUM_SWITCHES, SWITCH_PINS, and LED_PINS. NUM_SWITCHES is set to 4, indicating that there are four switches connected to the microcontroller.
  4. SWITCH_PINS and LED_PINS are arrays that contain the GPIO pins used for the switches and LEDs, respectively.
  5. The GPIO_InitTypeDef struct is defined to store the configuration settings for a GPIO pin. The GPIO_Configuration function sets up the GPIO pins for input and output.
  6. In the main function, the GPIO_Configuration function is called to set up the GPIO pins. The program then enters an infinite loop that reads the state of the switches and sets the state of the corresponding LEDs.
  7. This is done using a for loop that iterates over each switch and reads its state using the GPIO_ReadInputDataBit function. If the switch is pressed (i.e., its state is GPIO_Pin_Reset), the corresponding LED is turned on using the GPIO_SetBits function. Otherwise, the LED is turned off using the GPIO_ResetBits function.
AravindLakamapurmath commented 1 year ago


Technical challenge.txt