ArborealAudio / arbor

Easy-to-use audio plugin framework
MIT License
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VST2 is dead - long live VST3 (and CLAP)! #12

Open heebje opened 1 month ago

heebje commented 1 month ago

Figure out if we can write a binding for VST3 API without getting a lawyer

iPlug2 (MIT licensed) uses VST3, and there are other frameworks that use VST3 as well. IANAL, but methinks it should be possible.

The problem with VST2 is that it is now apparently dead (and even if it weren't 100% dead: new devs cannot sign a VST2 agreement with Steinberg anymore, so no new dev is allowed to create and publish VST2 plugins anyway)...

So, I would strongly recommend starting with / focusing on VST3 development, rather than continuing with VST2.

VST3 is now pretty much the de facto standard (while we all wait for CLAP to become just that).


ArborealAudio commented 1 month ago

I was under the impression you had to get explicit permission from Steinberg to write bindings for VST3. Either way, supporting it is pretty much a guarantee, unless they actually won't let me do it, which I think is unlikely. VST2 was just an easier starting point.

As far as VST2 goes, I won't call it dead until it stops loading in DAWs, and it seems we're a little ways from that happening. OBS, for instance, still only uses VST2 for a plugin format. Some DAWs only recently got VST3 support, some people might be stuck on older versions that only support VST2.

Developers are free to decide whether releasing a VST2 plugin is worth whatever "risk" that might incur. As far as I'm concerned, the API in this library is a fair-use implementation of VST2 and you're free to release plugins using it under whatever license you want.