ArcBees / gwtquery

A jQuery clone for GWT, and much more.
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GWT 2.7 compile error #313

Open confile opened 9 years ago

confile commented 9 years ago

I get this error while compilation:

Adding '1' new generated units
            Warnings in '/var/folders/xh/1xkfq26532j97q23qw5pdhs40000gn/T/gwt-codeserver-3203567117696984680.tmp/'
               See snapshot: /var/folders/xh/1xkfq26532j97q23qw5pdhs40000gn/T/
            Ignored 1 unit with compilation errors in first pass.
nloke commented 8 years ago

The other issue that i notice is with IFrameWithDocTypeLinker which extends IFrameLinker

Since GWT 2.7 uses xsiframe by default it causes the following warning.

Invoking Linker IFrame [WARN] IFrame linker is deprecated; consider switching to the xsiframe linker

Is this even possible to be moved to xsiframe and still have ie8 work?