ArcBees / gwtquery

A jQuery clone for GWT, and much more.
MIT License
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Referencing deprecated methods #372

Open confile opened 8 years ago

confile commented 8 years ago

Using GWT 2.8-Snapshot and Guava 20-Snapshot and gwtquery:1.4.3 I get:

 [WARN] Warnings in '/Users/mg/Documents/Grails/GGTS3.6.4-GWT/majestella-gwt/build/putnami/work/majestella.dashboard.MajestellaDashboard/compile-2/gen/com/google/gwt/query/client/'
               [WARN] Line 539: Referencing method '': method ';I[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 548: Referencing method '': method ';ILjava/lang/Object;[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 557: Referencing method '': method ';Ljava/lang/String;[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 566: Referencing method '': method ';Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 611: Referencing method '': method '' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 620: Referencing method '': method '' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 1178: Referencing method '': method '[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 1187: Referencing method '': method ';[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 1196: Referencing method '': method ';[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 1205: Referencing method '': method ';Ljava/lang/Object;[Lcom/google/gwt/query/client/Function;)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 2411: Referencing method '': method '' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 2420: Referencing method '': method ';)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 2429: Referencing method '': method ';I)' is deprecated
               [WARN] Line 2438: Referencing method '': method ';Ljava/lang/String;)' is deprecated
               See snapshot: /var/folders/xh/1xkfq26532j97q23qw5pdhs40000gn/T/
         Computing all possible rebind results for 'majestella.shared.client.helper.reltime.i18n.TimeMessages'
            Rebinding majestella.shared.client.helper.reltime.i18n.TimeMessages
               Invoking generator
                  Processing interface majestella.shared.client.helper.reltime.i18n.TimeMessages
                     Generating method body for weeksPast()
                        [WARN] Plural form 'two' unknown in ignoring
                     Generating method body for weeksFuture()
                        [WARN] Plural form 'two' unknown in ignoring
confile commented 8 years ago

still not resolved.

olafleur commented 8 years ago

Have you tried with GWTQuery 1.5-beta1 ?

meriouma commented 8 years ago

Yes they are in 1.5-beta1 too, those are simply warnings of deprecated methods usage inside GQuery (GQuery uses it's own deprecated methods)

confile commented 8 years ago

Still not working with 1.5-beta1 but it raises another issue. See: