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decentralized license management #144

Open mave99a opened 2 years ago

mave99a commented 2 years ago

其实就是一个VC, 类似 CC协议那样的标准的授权模版,可以允许社区添加不同的。

如果授权是支持rev share的,那么协议的分成采用smart contract

不是一个中心化服务,因此用户可以无限复制扩展, 就像cc协议那样

mave99a commented 2 years ago

2015年 CC  的尝试:

mave99a commented 2 years ago

The idea of building a shared index of Creative Commons works dovetails with rapidly developing blockchain technology, first popularized by Bitcoin.

A blockchain is effectively a distributed database where maintenance is shared across a peer-to-peer network with a common interest in ensuring the upkeep of data, as opposed to being maintained by a single, central entity.

Not only could a blockchain-based solution help improve discovery by providing a single database of CC works, it could do so in a decentralized way that maintains the current structure of the commons: Data remains with the participants —the creators themselves or platforms where works are published — and the CC organization remains a neutral entity with no need to invest in heavy, centralized infrastructure.

Any platform that adopts such a protocol would be participating in a truly “commons” database and such collaborative infrastructure can be used to solve the problems identified earlier. First, attribution for creators can be automated since all data about works in the commons is now in one shared place. Additionally, creators can be notified of re-use of their work automatically by sending a ping-back to the network.

The result would be a much simpler mechanism to connect creators with new audiences, for audiences to discover more works by the same author, and for rewards that stem from reaching new eyeballs to flow back to publishers automatically any time media is shared.

Ultimately, one could imagine a system of certification for content platforms that would result in “Gratitude-Certified” platforms agreeing to best practices in providing such information to authors. 这公司已经不在了,但好像思路其实还可以的