ArcBlock / dappideas

Ideas collection for decentralized apps
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decentralized event signup portal #290

Open mave99a opened 1 year ago

mave99a commented 1 year ago

a blocklet dedicated for live event, the event streaming can from anywhere, e.g. YouTube, twitter, etc. any places support video streaming, or on demand video playback. or a zoom webinar.

but this page is dedicated for people asking questions, chat, vote, etc. it can compose several other useful tools together on one page.

it should also be able to work together with devcon alike contents sites (

a close example is

landing page for signup:


event page:


Indiweb's event organizer page is also a bit similar:

mave99a commented 1 year ago

this blocklet can be composed with others, e.g. in a DAO or somewhere.