ArcBlock / dappideas

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Client DID portal #30

Open mave99a opened 4 years ago

mave99a commented 4 years ago

Sales person can create a DID based client portal for the client or potential client.

From this portal, they have access to all demos, documents, links etc. it could be a communication center for the client so it’s not get lost in emails or IMs.

From company side, it’s like a CRM or SFA tracking system, so multiple people can work on the client and know what’s the process.

For paid client, it’s also a center for customer support .

All controlled by ABT Wallet and DID.

@ArcBlock/matt what do you think about this? Or did you see some similar product like this?

The system itself could just be a wiki or BBS just dedicated to a client. The idea is, we can share demos, links, docs to client, and not widely open it to everyone, also it’s a center to show case how DID is used.

mave99a commented 4 years ago

Imagine, I’ll get in touch with a client “GoFun”, I go create a client portal: and share it to them with email.

Client open the link, we’ll show them some basic information, and suggest them to login with DID.

After they login, they will see all information, documents, links we share with them.

mave99a commented 4 years ago

Something similar is showpad:

ee07b577 commented 2 years ago

我看到其他3个相似的idea,需要整理一下,合并同类项。 #38 #40 #106 总体来说,就是为 client 提供 blocklet,让 client 对外展示自己。内容可能包括:文字描述、gallery、links、video、虚拟形象等。 我设想的是,用户使用 did-portal-blocklet,选择他想展示的信息(多种类型的信息模块)进行编辑。用户甚至可以维护多个页面,在不同的场合出示。 如果我说的没有遗漏,其他的是否可以close?

mave99a commented 2 years ago

这是个不同的idea,面对的是商业用户。 和面向个人的app 有可重用的部件,这是blocklet的意义所在。