ArcadeData / arcadedb

ArcadeDB Multi-Model Database, one DBMS that supports SQL, Cypher, Gremlin, HTTP/JSON, MongoDB and Redis. ArcadeDB is a conceptual fork of OrientDB, the first Multi-Model DBMS. ArcadeDB supports Vector Embeddings.
Apache License 2.0
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SchemaException thrown when using hasLabel() as edge filter and the label doesn't exist #1594

Closed marco-brandizi closed 4 months ago

marco-brandizi commented 4 months ago

ArcadeDB Version:


OS and JDK Version:

Expected behavior

I still see #193: In Gremlin, when using hasLabel() with a non existing parameter value, an empty result is expected. This should return nulls:

g.V().hasLabel ( 'foo-label' ).count ()
g.E().hasLabel ( 'foo-label' ).count ()

Actual behavior

Both the queries above (when executed against a DB without that label) return something like:

com.arcadedb.exception.SchemaException: Type with name 'is_a_1' was not found

This happens both when using the Studio and the Java driver. Interestengly, without the .count() step, it silently returns the expected empty results.

Steps to reproduce

See above.

lvca commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the report, the issue is fixed now in the latest 24.5.1-SNAPSHOT.