ArcadeHustle / CSI-Paprium

CSI: Paprium (Forensic Sprite analysis)
5 stars 2 forks source link

WIPvsSOR3+FinalFight(arcade) #26

Open ArcadeHustle opened 2 years ago

ArcadeHustle commented 2 years ago


2blackbar commented 2 years ago

Yup, this is normal so why playin tha iNteRnEt PoLiCemAn ? Maybe educate yourself how animations are made and why people like to use the same keyframes and poses.

ArcadeHustle commented 2 years ago

Yet here you are @2blackbar trying to internet police us... #SeemsLegit

"Educate yourself on why someone would be lazy and steal someone else's game models" - You sounding like a clown.