ArcadeHustle / X3_Multi_Eye_for_an_Eye

After the sickening Darkdawg Arcade team refusal to participate in the Eye for an Eye Match, an X3 Multi will be released.
10 stars 19 forks source link

Beginners Guide #9

Open slevin11 opened 3 years ago

slevin11 commented 3 years ago

Firstly I'm all for learning something new regarding coding and figure out how to get this TTX3 Multi working and not one for having everything spoon-fed to me.

But, I have absolutely zero knowledge of coding or what I'm looking at in regards to figuring out how to get it running.

My arcade hardware is as follows: Vewlix C /w Fast IO and a TTX2 running Niko's Multi. TTX3 with the bios password entered and me messing with a SSD with the Yoko version of the Multi.

I've read through all the discussions below and tried to absorb as much as I could from what I was reading, digging around for the iDmacDrv64.dll file regarding the FastIO stuff but to be blunt I'm not sure what I'm doing.

If anyone has any time to type up a lengthy response on how Niko's TTX2 multi works so that I can compare files with the TTX3 multi, I'm all for trying to decipher what's different between the two.

If I'm barking up the wrong tree in regards to teaching a newb how to figure this out, don't feel bad for telling me to piss off. haha.

Thanks for any responses or time !

MagusIncognito commented 3 years ago

Hey slevin11,

I'm basically in the same boat as you, with very little to no experience with this but I have managed to get quite a few NesicaXLive1, TTX2 and TTX1 games up and running.

I believe there are more differences than similarities when comparing to Niko's TTX2Multi.

I would recommend getting a Taito JVS IO board so you can actually use the current TTX3Multi and start from there. Then try and getting the games up and running by reading the previous open issues topics.

I think that's a good place to start learning more about this specific Multi ;)

Hopefully someone else with more knowledge and experience can jump in and add more.

slevin11 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response. I plugged a keyboard into the ttx3 to mess around with the frontend at the moment. Now messing around with dragging and dropping game files over into the ttx3 to see if I can get them to load. I'll double back and check the previous open issues topics and see what I can figure out. I have 3 SSD's I keep experimenting on because my vewlix is located at my shop and my pc with all the roms etc are at home. haha.

I'll look into a taito JVS IO too, I think my local arcade guy has a few, but wanted $160 for them.

slevin11 commented 3 years ago

I re-wrote a drive with another Tate ttx3 multi to double check stuff, seems like my pc didn't like the dlllinject.exe files in the multi and filed them as trojans and deleted them as I opened each

As I was checking each game file I noticed Rumble Fish 2 had more files than the others so I decided to mess with it first.

Is the file format for the games pretty much like that of Rumble Fish 2? main folder being /Release ?

ArcadeHustle commented 3 years ago

You can stop the FastIO sob story now.