[x] Tag the issue(s) or milestones this PR fixes (e.g. Fixes #123, Resolves #456).
[x] Describe the changes you've made.
[x] Describe any tests you have conducted to confirm that your changes behave as expected.
[x] If you've added new software dependencies, make sure that those dependencies are included in the appropriate conda environments.
[x] If you've added new functionality, make sure that the documentation is updated accordingly.
[x] If you encountered bugs or features that you won't address, but should be addressed eventually, create new issues for them.
PR description
This PR addresses an outstanding comment in the snakefile. It downloads the autopeptideml files. Previously, I was pointing to a local copy and used a dummy rule for download.
I ran these changes on the demo data and it worked.
PR checklist
Fixes #123, Resolves #456
environments.PR description
This PR addresses an outstanding comment in the snakefile. It downloads the autopeptideml files. Previously, I was pointing to a local copy and used a dummy rule for download.
I ran these changes on the demo data and it worked.