Arcana / dotabank-web
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Monetization #17

Open rjackson opened 9 years ago

rjackson commented 9 years ago

With July costing us $160, and only getting $2 in ad revenue, it's time to start thinking about monetizing Dotabank properly.

The current idea is basically offering a pay-what-you-want subscription scheme (not quite donations, because we are actually selling a service), with certain thresholds for special features.

We should be careful when developing features too - we don't want to be pay-walling features that don't really cost us anything, but at the same time we do want to offer more incentives for people to subscribe.

Our userbase would likely be the more hardcore players of Dota, who are likely to play more games per month than the average Dota player, and likely download more replays than an average (free) Dotabank user, so we should tailor our prices according to what that audience would cost us.

Plan Features Preliminary price/mo
Backtrack No ads, no captcha >$1
Chrono Auto archiving of user's games >$5

Prices are preliminary - as said earlier, we should tailor the prices according to what the users would cost us - but with adequate margins to cover better (more expensive) infrastructure in the future, and adequate profits to give us all a little bit extra to work with in our personal lives, but also for us to reinvest into the Dota scene however we can (Other arcana projects, sponsoring small tournaments/streamers)

TimotheeJeannin commented 9 years ago

Hi @RJacksonm1,

On the home page of DotaBank it says Automatically archive matches : Premium but I can't find where to subscribe on the website.

Is the feature available ? If yes, where should I go to subscribe ?

Thank you for your awesome work. :)
