ArcanePariah / Night-of-the-Dead

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Fix to force push stunning allies #246

Closed ThunderRazor closed 6 years ago

ThunderRazor commented 6 years ago

PATCH NOTES: Fixed an issue where force push stuns allies.

Motivation: I have witnessed enough players getting frustrated from dying to a "troll" psi ops force-pushing the team. Force push stuns allies, though the tooltip says it does not. The reason allies were stunned during force push is that the force push height behaviors (which affect enemies and allies alike) also disable abilities. There are 6 behaviors that temporarily modify a units height: 3 levels for non-heroics, and 3 levels for heroics (bosses). Only the 3 levels for non-heroics affect allies (including heroics). Disabling the "disable abilities" flag removes this "stun effect" on all allies being pushed; it also removes the "stun effect" on enemies being pushed but does not prevent them from being stunned by the force push stun effect which only affects enemies. Disabling the 3 flags mentioned above also means that allies (such as civilians that are on their way to "the truck") will not get stalled by force push.

Note: I'm not sure what's going with the file "PreloadAssetDB.txt" I did not touch any of its content, but there's a bunch of stuff related to X1Bot, GunshipDesignator, LaserDesignator, Actor Buildingblabla, ##id##. The only data I changed was in "BehaviorData.xml", disabling 3 flags which were previously enabled and disabling beastling/baneling weapons.