ArcanePariah / Night-of-the-Dead

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Pf skill issues fix (Invaders must die being culprit) #261

Closed NiktosNOTD closed 5 years ago

NiktosNOTD commented 5 years ago

First issue - handgun expertise adding wrong amount of damage to pf shots on lvl 3. WHY: why1 After investigating, it added wrong damage on all levels. Level 1 added 12, lvl 2 24, lvl 3 24. After fixes they now correctly add 6/12/18

Other changes which happened along the way: 1.Cleaned up 'LevelUpTalentPathfinder' trigger in relation to "handgun expertise" and "invaders must die" skills: -removed catalog modifications to pistol DAMAGE (they were useless as it was done just after again in trigger related to weapon mods) -removed catalog modifications to pistol RANGE (they were useless as it was done just after again in trigger related to weapon mods) -removed catalog modifications related to PISTOL BOUNCES (just offloaded it into upgrade which already existed) 2.Fixed 'StatsModDamage' wrongly adding 12 instead of 6 dmg per level of handgun expertise 3.Cleaned up stuff related to pistol in 'StatsModRange' - replaced clunky ifelse with a simple arithmetic to achieve same effect.

Second issue - Pathfinder skilltree sometimes getting filled up (11 skills) using only 10 skill points. why2 It could happen by leveling up "Invaders must die" with one point in "Trick Shot", later on putting second point in "Trick Shot" leveled it right to 3. Changes from previous commit made it possible to happen also when leveling up "Invaders must die" with 0 points in "Handgun Expertise" went from 0 to 2.

Fixing it happens by "Invaders must die" no longer increasing trigger variables responsible for keeping track of which level player skills are.

1.changes within 'LevelUpTalentPathfinder' trigger: -no longer inreasing level variables -redoing how "Trick Shot" decides which level is next to no longer need the increase from above, now checks for it's own level or it's level+invaders must die level 2.Changes to 'StatsModDamage' trigger: -now basing the increase on 'Handgun expertise" UPGRADE level instead of trigger variable associated Handgun expertise level 3.Changes to 'StatsModRange' trigger: -now basing the increase on 'Handgun expertise" UPGRADE level instead of trigger variable associated Handgun expertise level