Arcaster42 / rhymus

An open-source rhyming game project designed for new developers and first-time contributors.
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Changes to CSS and game logic #26

Closed imCaseSensitive closed 4 years ago

imCaseSensitive commented 4 years ago

Tried to randomize the card deck, but couldn't implement it properly.

I've left the randomizer function commented out in game logic.


dhuang612 commented 4 years ago


I reviewed your code, here are some changes to make it so that the card number information shows up correctly. When you do a f5 refresh the puzzles randomize like you wanted. But a game over starts you off with the same one, does that work? This goes near the top to set it at the beginning.

let timeRemaining = 5
let cardNumber = 1

Then we under updateTimer function we change the number that we are display.

const updateDisplay = () => {
    countElement.textContent = `${cardNumber}/${puzzles.length}`

Under correct guess we update the number up 1 also under the setTimeout function add in the if statement.

const correctAnswer = () => {
    cardBlock.className += ' correct'
    countElement.className += ' correct'
    guessElement.className += 'correct'
    cardNumber ++

   if (cardNumber <= puzzles.length) {

Then finally under gameover function we reset it to 1 for the restart, along with updating the game to be finished when the cardNumber = the total number of items within the puzzles array.

const gameOver = () => {
 if (incorrectGuesses > 4 || cardNumber === puzzles.length) {
        rhymeElement.textContent = 'Game Over!'
        guessElement.removeEventListener("keydown", assignListeners)
        cardNumber = 1

No other changes were made, I left your shufflearray function unchanged.

debugging this also made me realize, we don't congratulate the player upon winning we just have a game over sign, setting up some logic for that sounds like something else we can add. Thanks for contributing!

Arcaster42 commented 4 years ago

Do you want to add in the changes suggested to work out the bugs? If not, I'll close this. Otherwise, I'll keep it open and merge with new changes.

Arcaster42 commented 4 years ago

Closing stale PR.