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Boosters NFTs: Implement booster lifetime functionality #15

Open Natikaa opened 1 year ago

Natikaa commented 1 year ago

Task: Create functionality that initiates a 30-day countdown for each booster from the moment it is staked in the laboratory. Restrict multiple stacking of the same type of boosters Task: Create a rule that prevents more than one booster of the same type from being staked in the laboratory simultaneously. Implement automatic burning of expired boosters Task: Create a function that automatically burns a booster once it expires and allows the user to stake another booster if they wish. Implement booster restaking functionality Task: Implement a function that allows users to re-stake a previously used booster that has not yet expired, with the booster resuming from its remaining usable time. These tasks can further be divided into sub-tasks as needed, and assigned to your team accordingly. Leaderboard area: requirements Implement real-time leaderboard update functionality Task: Develop a function that updates the leaderboard rankings in real time. Display Agos points correlated with spent resources Task: Design the leaderboard to display Agos points earned by users in correlation with their spent resources, following the previously mentioned formulas. Display all monthly players' wallets in order Task: Develop functionality to display all participating wallets for the current calendar month, ordered by Agos points from highest to lowest. Calculate monthly Agos points for ranking Task: Implement a system to count all Agos points earned between the first and last day of the month for leaderboard ranking purposes. Implement jackpot distribution to all monthly players Task: Create a function to distribute a percentage of the jackpot to all users who participated in the current month. Create variable prize pool functionality Task: Develop a function to set a variable value for the prize pool, with the ability to change it freely. Provide necessary instructions. Implement monthly ranking reset and new prize declaration Task: Implement a feature to reset the leaderboard rankings at the end of each month and declare new prize money. Calculate monthly user share percentage Task: Develop a function to calculate each user's monthly share percentage using the given formula. You can break down these work items into subtasks as needed for more detailed tracking and assign them to your development team as necessary.