ArchFeh / MSI-B360M-MORTAR-HACKINTOSH-OPENCORE-EFI-without-core-graphic

MSI B360M MORTAR Hackintosh OpenCore
14 stars 4 forks source link

哥们发个修复声卡问题的帖子,上面回答问题埋在一个帖子里,不点开看不见,故新开…… #5

Open guducai opened 4 years ago

guducai commented 4 years ago

Thank you for these B360M-Mortar OC Files! I've got the 'onboard-no-sound' problem solved! Let me show you how to do it. First, add AppleALC.kext to OC 'Kexts' folder and enable AppleALC.kext driver via editing config.plist file. Then change DeviceProperties to '0x1f,0x3' instead of '0x1b,0x0' ,also 'layout-id' to 'alc-layout-id'. Last, save and reboot. Bang! It works!

爷们,谢谢您提供的文件,可帮了我大忙啦!简单一放, 就贼好用。就是声卡没驱动,只有DP或HDMI有声音,这怎能叫追求完美的我满意?现查现学OC各种资料,终于一个小时后搞定板载发声问题,需要改的文件在上面了。需要的哥们爷们们下载试试好了。拜了您……

ArchFeh commented 4 years ago
