ArchGPT / insomnium

Insomnium is a fast local API testing tool that is privacy-focused and 100% local. For testing GraphQL, REST, WebSockets and gRPC. This is a fork of Kong/insomnia
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dropdown of folders deleting folders with out giving warning, giving Prompt for deleting folders or requests will fix it #157

Open birukbelay opened 4 months ago

birukbelay commented 4 months ago

Expected Behavior

  1. when the option button is clicked i dont want any other option clicked automatically from the menu with out me specifically clicking them, specially the delete option
  2. when the delete option is clicked i expect it to create a modal or some kind of prompt before deleting it completly,
  3. if possible to have a trash of deleted items, not deleting it completely but marking as deleted

Actual Behavior

  1. when delete button is clicked it automatically deletes with out any prompt or warning
  2. some times when the dropdown option on folders or request is clicked it automatically click other options, such as settings or delete button, but the problem with the delete one is it permanently deletes folders with many request with out you knowing because it doesn't give any warnings

Reproduction Steps

---------------------- case 1 1.1. go to collections 1.2. create a folders 1.3. click options then delete 1.4. it deletes with out a prompt

---------------- case 2 2.1. go to collections 2.2. create a folders 2.3. click the options of a folder which position is in the middle of the scroll view port 2.4. it clicks other options as well automatically, which is some bug 2.5: this bug combined with the deleting of folders with out a popup or warning is very dangerous as it delete the works you have done

Is there an existing issue for this?

Additional Information

No response

Insomnium Version


What operating system are you using?


Operating System Version

mac os Darwin

Installation method

downloaded form insomnim

Last Known Working Insomnium version

No response

birukbelay commented 4 months ago

i think this is the issue, it is not showing prompt, when the handle delete is called, so it think this should be a quick fix

on the path packages/insomnia/src/ui/components/dropdowns/request-group-actions-dropdown.tsx

  const handleDeleteFolder = async () => {
    requestFetcher.submit({ id: requestGroup._id },
        action: `/organization/${organizationId}/project/${projectId}/workspace/${workspaceId}/debug/request-group/delete`,
        method: 'post',
7cio commented 4 months ago

A confirmation before deleting request/folder or whatever should be nice.