Archaegeo / DualUniverseLuaIssues

DualUniverse LUA Issue Tracking
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Script editor should re-open on the previously selected slot/event #37

Open samdeane opened 2 years ago

samdeane commented 2 years ago

(previously posted here)

Not strictly a Lua improvement, but definitely a quality-of-life scripting improvement:

When re-opening the script editor on a control unit, the previously selected slot and event should be re-selected, and the text cursor should be restored to its previous position.

NQ-Ligo commented 2 years ago

Hello !

The current editor is not the final version, we have many changes and improvements planned, so this is clearly something we will consider for that.

samdeane commented 2 years ago

The current editor is not the final version, we have many changes and improvements planned, so this is clearly something we will consider for that.

Please please please don’t bother making a fancy editor in-game, just provide some hooks which allow the scripts to be edited externally (eg with VS Code).

Any effort you do making the editor fancy will be essentially re-inventing the wheel, and even if you can eventually get it as slick as VS Code is, you will have spent a vast amount of programmer time doing it, and that time could be much better spent elsewhere.

samdeane commented 2 years ago

(I can explain further how I think the interface with an external editor should work, but I won’t bother unless anyone is actually interested…)