ArchipelProject / Archipel

XMPP Based Orchestrator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Error showing after having upgraded archipel agent and client #1122

Closed topstarnetwork closed 9 years ago

topstarnetwork commented 9 years ago

the Archipel panel was upgraded successfully. However, the memory issue still persists. I am not able to log in to archipel pane Even I tried the upgrade the panel is not loading properly. I am getting errors at back end through logs. The sample error log is here below;

DEBUG: socket stop Plugging out of . Invalid debugflag given: always Invalid debugflag given: nodebuilder DEBUG: DEBUG: Debug created for /home/archipel/ArchipelAgent/archipel-core/archipelcore/xmpp/ DEBUG: flags defined: always,nodebuilder DEBUG: socket start Plugging into DEBUG: socket warn Could not load one of the supported DNS libraries (dnspython or pydns). SRV records will not be queried and you may need to set custom hostname/port for some servers to be accessible.\n DEBUG: socket error Failed to connect to remote host ('', 5222): Connection refused (111) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/archipel/ArchipelAgent/archipel-core/archipelcore/xmpp/", line 139, in connect self._sock.connect(sa) File "", line 1, in connect error: [Errno 111] Connection refused DEBUG: socket stop Plugging out of . Invalid debugflag given: always Invalid debugflag given: nodebuilder DEBUG: DEBUG: Debug created for /home/archipel/ArchipelAgent/archipel-core/archipelcore/xmpp/ DEBUG: flags defined: always,nodebuilder DEBUG: socket start Plugging into DEBUG: socket warn Could not load one of the supported DNS libraries (dnspython or pydns). SRV records will not be queried and you may need to set custom hostname/port for some servers to be accessible.\n DEBUG: socket error Failed to connect to remote host ('', 5222): Connection refused (111) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/archipel/ArchipelAgent/archipel-core/archipelcore/xmpp/", line 139, in connect self._sock.connect(sa) File "", line 1, in connect error: [Errno 111] Connection refused DEBUG: socket stop Plugging out of .

CyrilPeponnet commented 9 years ago

ejabberd not running ? Connections refused not an archipel issue.