ArchipelProject / Archipel

XMPP Based Orchestrator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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more finetunning on CPU selection #1135

Open finasfinas opened 9 years ago

finasfinas commented 9 years ago

Another must have feature. The possibility to select some cpu emulations.

I would like to be able to select from the archipel interface wheather I want cpu-passthough or not, and to exactly select how many sockets, cores and threads for each VM. I would also like to be able to select, when not using cpu-passthough, what cpu I am emulating.

This is hyper important specially for windows guests. Windows server standard editions come restricted to 4 sockets and archipel by default presents the cpu's as sockets. So I end having to change this manually when I want a windows server standard edition with more than 4 cpu's.

The cpu passthough also brings noticialbe improvements in performance to the virtual machine and should only be deselected when live-migration is planed between hosts that have diferent cpu's.

CyrilPeponnet commented 9 years ago

For now there is no plan to add features to the UI. But you still can edit the xml definition or contribute and provide a pull request :)

finasfinas commented 9 years ago

same comment as for the other sugestion. these are very very important features, that I think are trivial to implement for you and provide a really big improvement to archipel funcionality.

XML definition editing is not really working. it's very easy to destroy everything just by changing something in archipel.

pdirksen commented 9 years ago

+1. I have to agree on this. Archipel is almost fine except for those missing parts finasfinas described. The Archipel client should at least warn if the xml has differences to the generated one.

HTPC-Schrauber commented 9 years ago

Same here. But this is only a problem with KVM. KVM presents the CPUs as sockets by default. And normal Windows installations (none server) accept only 2 sockets. I can edit the XML to present multiple cores in one socket to the guest. So far no problem. But with the next definition change through Archipel this change is lost. This is in difference to other manual changes on the XML definition. For example the definition of PCI passthrough is not lost when changing some parameters in Archipel.

For Xen virtualisation there is no problem. Xen presents multiple cores in one socket by default.

For KVM I have no problem in changing by hand. But it would be nice, if these parameters are keept over config changes in Archipel.

HTPC-Schrauber commented 7 years ago

Look at here:

So editing the XML is now possible without loosing the changes through ArchipelClient changes. So this issue is fixed half way.