ArchipelProject / Archipel

XMPP Based Orchestrator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
800 stars 126 forks source link

Permission denied #1170

Open vitaxa opened 8 years ago

vitaxa commented 8 years ago

I have this problem

All things that i have done:

admin-account.js: ARCHIPEL_ADMIN_ACCOUNTS_ARRAY = [ "admin", "vitaxa" ];

arhipel.conf: archipel_root_admins = vitaxa@%(xmpp_server)s

ejabber.yml config: acl: admin: user:

Commands: archipel-tagnode --jid=vitaxa@Server --password=mypassword --create archipel-rolesnode --jid=vitaxa@Server --password=mypassword --create archipel-adminaccounts --jid=admin@Server --password=mypassword -a vitaxa@Server

Also, ejabberdctl register vitaxa Server mypassword and give him admin privileges

Why i use vitaxa account? Because for admin acc hypervisor offline.

P.S. OS: Debian 8, Ejabber 15.10