ArchipelProject / Archipel

XMPP Based Orchestrator
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
800 stars 126 forks source link

Error: failed to make #1173

Closed YATV closed 8 years ago

YATV commented 8 years ago

[YaTv@kvm01 ArchipelClient]$ ll /home/YaTv/ArchipelClient/ total 0 [YaTv@kvm01 ArchipelClient]$ ll ./Build/Release/Archipel ls: cannot access ./Build/Release/Archipel: No such file or directory [YaTv@kvm01 ArchipelClient]$ pwd /usr/Archipel/ArchipelClient

primalmotion commented 8 years ago

The build is working fine. If you have some issues, please kindly ask on the mailing list with some 'hello','could you' and other 'thanks' instead of polluting the tracker with logs we all know as we wrote them.