ArchipelaGOAL / Archipelago

Archipelago Multi-Game Randomizer and Server
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Move Randomizer #7

Closed massimilianodelliubaldini closed 3 months ago

massimilianodelliubaldini commented 4 months ago

What feature would you like to see?

Add Moves as Items to the randomizer, similarly to the mod "Microtransactions" which locks each of Jak's moves behind a payment of precursor orbs. Instead of orb payments, we would need additional Locations to map them to.

massimilianodelliubaldini commented 3 months ago

Here is the list of moves (Items) I am planning to add to the move randomizer. For corresponding locations, I'm planning on mapping them to the orb caches, since there is mod hooks that check when these have been unlocked, so we can use those to tell AP that you checked them.

L1 (Crouch)         1   Crouch

    L1 + X          2   Crouch Jump

    L1 + S          3   Crouch Uppercut

L1 (Roll)           4   Roll

    L1 + X          5   Roll Jump

X                   Jump

    X + X           6   Double Jump

    X + S           7   Jump Dive

    X + C           8   Jump Kick

S               9   Punch

    S + X           10  Punch Uppercut

C               11  Kick
massimilianodelliubaldini commented 3 months ago

I could always use some assistance with mapping out granular subregions of each level in the game, and how one would move from one subregion to another with certain moves at their disposal. So if you want to contribute and have the time, here's some levels that I need maps for. These maps will be translated into logical regions for AP.

So the idea is you open MS Paint or, and then you play through the level of your choice and make a map, checking every nook and cranny. You divide the map into subregions, and make a bunch of boxes that represent them in Paint. Each box should have a name, and a short list of the Location checks that are in there (don't forget the aforementioned orb caches). Then you link the boxes together with arrows, indicating how you can get from one subregion to another. Each arrow should have a list of moves you can use to get from region A to region B. Remember, some of these are one-way (like falling from a cliff) and some can be two-way (by walking, roll jumping, etc).


Here's one I made for Misty Island, as an example (I was a little sloppy with the movement arrows). Feel free to upload your map as a comment in this thread!


jacobmix commented 3 months ago

From lone on Discord: Sandover Village: image Sentinel Beach: image Forbidden Jungle (including temple): image Rock Village: image Lost Precursor city: image Boggy Swamp: image

BE SF = blue eco scout fly OC = orb cache YE easy : can stand in place, no threat of enemies YE medium : need to move away from eco spawn, but have ample time, or there are some mildly threatening enemies YE hard : need to move far away from eco spawn and aim quick, or have to deal with a lot of enemies YE vhard : reserved for arena battle. Not sure if this is possible in practice

jacobmix commented 3 months ago

Also i made a route for Spider Cave: Jak1_MoveRando_SpiderCave Only hard thing might be the hidden Power Cell. Also all orbs are accusable in VC. Pretty sure you can also get all scout flies with just dive. I just used debug to teleport to 3rd hub. So haven't confirmed if anything is needed on the way.

Volcanic Crater
    Minecarts: 30 orbs
    Spider Cave Entrance: 4 orbs
    Precursor shop: orbs 10 (Price: 120 x2)
    Miners: 6 orbs (Price: 90 x4)

Snowy Mountain WIP (Outdated):

× = Attck
¤ = Dive
^ = Double Jump or Crouch Jump or Crouched uppercut or Punch Uppercut
> = Roll Jump
< = Double Jump + Spin (<|> means Roll Jump or Double Jump + Spin)
» = Punch + Uppercut + Air Kick
« = Crouch Jump or Crouch Uppercut either with Air Kick
Deactivate 13 blockers for a Power Cell.

¤1 Scout fly
^3 orbs + 1 blocker
<|>|»5 orbs (3 without)
 ~ Leads to "Snowballs"

 ~ Leads to "Ice Tunnel"
Side of snowballs: 4 orbs
 ~ Leads to "Front of Fort"
Ground: 13 orbs (21)
Blocker: 3 orbs (24)
Blocker: 2 orbs (26)
Clif edge: 6 orbs (32)
 - ×Lurker Glacier Troop (1 of 3)
 ~ Drop to "Bunny cave"

Ice Tunnel:
3 orbs (Roll jump | double jump | air kick | Punch Uppercut)
3 + 3 orbs (Roll jump with bounce | double jump | « | »)
1 Scout fly (¤ | Yellow Eco Vent)
 ~ To get to Large Ice Skating (>  | < | ») Note: For roll you need to roll bounce
 - Can go FROM Large Ice Skating, and only use roll with no bounce. Else: < | » will also still work
3 metal crates: 8 orbs + 1 Power Cell

Ice skating area:
Ice cave edge: 3 orbs
Slide: 6 orbs
 ~ Leads to "Front of Fort"
 - Can go up slide platforms by timing jump as you land
On the ice: 9 orbs
 - ^4 blockers (Doable with roll bounce but hard)
 - ×Lurker Glacier Troop (1 of 3)
edge: 5 orbs
 ~ Leads to "Flut-Flut Area"
Ledge climp up: > with bounce | < | »
Ledge: 1 Scout fly (¤)
 ~ Leads to Front of Fort

Flut-Flut Area:
15 orbs + 1 Power Cell + Fort Gate Switch (Need Flut-Flut)

Front of Fort:
On the ice near edge: 5 orbs
 - ^1 blocker
After ledge or slide: 1 Scout fly (¤)
 ~ Leads to "Hidden Cave"
Ice near bridges: 5 orbs
 - ^2 blockers
Bridge: 5 orbs
Below: 5 orbs + 1 Scout fly (¤)
 - ×Lurker Glacier Troop (1 of 3)

Inside Fort:
Middle tower climb: 5 orbs
^Top of tower: 6 orbs + 45 orbs + 1 Scout Fly
Right side: 3 + 4 orbs
Midway: 7 orbs
Midway top: 1 Scout Fly (^ + ¤)
End: 2 orbs + Power Cell

Hidden Cave:
4 orbs + Power Cell + Yellow Eco Vent Switch (Air Kick | ^)
 - You can get up with an air kick. But you gotta run at the piston to push upwards

Bunny cave:
Ice platform before cave: 7 orbs
 - ^2 blockers
Entrance of cave: ^1 blocker
In cave: 3 orbs
Bunn: Power Cell + 3 orbs (Air Kick | ^)
jacobmix commented 3 months ago

Snowy Mountain visual done: Jak1_MoveRando_Snowy You can do all the blockers with just roll jump bounce as well... Tested them all. Edit: [Punch] + [Uppercut] + [Spin Kick] will be removed as they use extended