ArchipelagoMW-HollowKnight / Archipelago.HollowKnight

Hollow Knight mod enabling Archipelago multiworld interoperability.
MIT License
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Hint previews sooner #152

Open BadMagic100 opened 1 year ago

BadMagic100 commented 1 year ago

Today, previewable locations hint automatically when you leave the room. This makes some amount of sense, if you see a thing in a shop and immediately buy the thing, you probably don't want it hinted, and shop items do have some indicator of the amount of value, indicating whether they are progression, useful, or not useful.

However, this doesn't account for the fact that progression/useful items may vary in terms of cost vs benefit right now, and some progression/useful items may never be worth the price. In addition, not all previewable locations are shops and may not have this information available on a surface level. What happens in my experience is that players are still asking "is X useful" or reloading the room to hint and then say "are any of those things useful."

Let's just make this easier on players and pull the hints forward to when the IC event fires, knowing that it may create some hints for things which will be bought immediately

BadMagic100 commented 1 year ago

Actually let's make this a mod option, defaulting to the new behavior. Players can choose to revert to the current behavior, or to not create any hints at all

KonoTyran commented 1 year ago

When you say mod option. How do you invision this? As an option on the yaml? Or do we make a config menu option on the pause mod options menu? Or some other method?

BadMagic100 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm thinking mod menu option. Probably IMenuMod (no satchel) since it's just a simple toggle. I don't believe it's something that belongs in the yaml because it doesn't affect gameplay that much - like, if someone turned it off for a race it wouldn't really matter if you know what you're doing