ArchitectSMP / mc-config

Minecraft server plugin configurations for the ArchitectSMP community
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Animals all move into a single block #100

Open bloodycoffin opened 3 years ago

bloodycoffin commented 3 years ago

Animal Bug

Animals after unloading a chunk and loading it again stand in a single spot and they stay stacked when following wheat or seeds. @froobynooby any ideas? We use FarmControl.

froobynooby commented 3 years ago

FarmControl's soft-nerf-animal-farms profile disables collisions of animals in farms which can cause them to form stacks like this if they are all pushed into the same spot by water or lured by a player holding wheat/seeds. It shouldn't specifically cause them to do this when a chunk is unloaded and then loaded again though

I've added an option in to undo actions on mobs that are being tempted (i.e. lured by a player), which should fix this issue in the case that you're trying to breed your animals. I'll probably update the plugin on Spigot soonish

bloodycoffin commented 3 years ago

@froobynooby thank you for all the help so far. Unfortunately the "stacking" of animals kept happening so we tried to update the following lines in config.yml:

These settings concern properties of actions.

  # These settings concern when an action should be undone, and can be specified per action.
  #  * Note: If an action is not specified, or if an option is blank, the settings listed under default will be
  #    used.
      # Should we undo this action when the mob is interacted with?
      interact: true
      # Should we undo this action when the mob is tempted by a player (e.g. a cow tempted a player holding wheat)?
      tempt: true

Which we assumed would "undo" the action stated in the soft-nerf-profile when the mob is interacted with or tempted (which you said could cause the stacking). However our players reported their animals disappearing completely when trying to breed so we disabled this again (set to: false). Any idea why the animals would be disappearing? @ChipWolf update on issue

froobynooby commented 3 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to respond. I think this is the same issue as The issue is with undoing the remove-random-movement action on tempt due to a concurrent modification error relating to where the tempt event is called. I've just uploaded a new version to spigot that simply disallows undoing this action on tempt, but will try to find a better solution at some point