ArchitectSMP / mc-config

Minecraft server plugin configurations for the ArchitectSMP community
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TAB List visual improvement requested #48

Open bloodycoffin opened 3 years ago

bloodycoffin commented 3 years ago

Request from players to change the number of the ping (yellow-number-in-tablist: '%ping%') to another value, like time since death or days since last slept or amount of levels. Admins would like to know whether it can use other player statistics or which options they have to possibly let the player base vote on their favorite.

(Didn't have time to investigate yet due to work.)

ChipWolf commented 3 years ago

Wrong issue in the cifs commit

FlooferDoofer commented 3 years ago

I could look into this, make a list of options we can discuss or even test. If you could let me know which plugins affect the scoreboard at the moment, I'll get right on it. From what I can see we have TAB-BukkitBridge and MultiChat. Any other ones?

ChipWolf commented 3 years ago

TAB is the scoreboard, it's a proxy plugin TAB-BukkitBridge forwards the placeholders from the servers to the proxy Multichat doesn't affect the scoreboard

FlooferDoofer commented 3 years ago

Thanks, then I'll look into TAB options

ChipWolf commented 3 years ago

@FlooferDoofer the 'ping' in the scoreboard is just a placeholder, you can replace it with any placeholder from the link above

bloodycoffin commented 3 years ago

%statistic_deaths% is what I believe people would think as funny as it would show off the number of deaths @FlooferDoofer

FlooferDoofer commented 3 years ago

I just don't want it to turn into a death competition, or people made fun of because they die a lot, or people feeling superior because they haven't died that much. But we can write down some options, vote for it. Or like Chip suggested have a roulation of random ones and people can guess it for a price. And then when we're bored with that upkeep we choose a static value?