Architeuthis-Flux / Jumperless

A jumperless breadboard
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Add command 'getchipstatus' #27

Closed nilclass closed 4 months ago

nilclass commented 4 months ago

Added getchipstatus command, to print the chip status arrays in a parsable way.

I'm not quite sure yet what to do with that info on the UI side, but some kind of feedback what's connected with what through which chip will surely be useful.

Architeuthis-Flux commented 4 months ago

I was thinking of eventually making a GUI thing to visually see what connections are being made in each chip so you can see the path each connection takes. Might be useful for other people to debug the chip connections, but at this point I can read that text output bridge list like that guy from The Matrix.

nilclass commented 4 months ago

@Architeuthis-Flux Not sure if you saw it, jumperlab can display the matrix like this: image

I can make it black & green if that helps in any way

Architeuthis-Flux commented 4 months ago

That's perfect, maybe at some point I'll draw a little image that we can overlay that onto so it would maybe make more sense to someone less familiar with the hardware.

Black and green is always a classy choice. Or use whatever color is selected for ground just to be weird