Architeuthis-Flux / Jumperless

A jumperless breadboard
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Different sizes. #31

Open wts42 opened 1 week ago

wts42 commented 1 week ago

Ever thought about making bigger versions? Would clean up many Z80 & homebrew computer projects. :)

Architeuthis-Flux commented 1 week ago

I've considered it. But the issue is that the cost and complexity kind of goes up exponentially, even for just a full size breadboard. With 8x16 crosspoint switches, I'd need another "layer" to be able to have connections to every other switch.

The way around it is that the Jumperless V5 has a daisy chain header on either side, so you can stick as many as you want together and route 8 analog signals (and SPI + power) between them.

A kinda cool consequence of how it's set up is that those daisy chain lines are shared with 8 GPIO (you remove some 0ohm resistor networks to disconnect GPIO so they can be +-8V tolerant). So you can simulate the outputs from another Jumperless until you get the next one set up and connect them.