Architeuthis-Flux / Jumperless

A jumperless breadboard
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Python seems to not be able to access the programing port or the monitor port if its not manually defined in the project. #5

Closed ericmoderbacher closed 12 months ago

ericmoderbacher commented 1 year ago

If the user comments out: upload_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem1101 monitor_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem1101

it seems that the python can not access the automagically picked ports. So we need to see if there is a way for python to get that for the user also automagically.

Architeuthis-Flux commented 12 months ago

Now that I've finally learned Python, I was able to fix this by having the search the serial ports for anything with "Jumperless" as the device descriptor and setting the upload and monitor ports to that. It also is in the Wokwi Bridge app so you don't need to manually select the port anymore.

So yeah, fixed.