ArchiveBox / ArchiveBox

🗃 Open source self-hosted web archiving. Takes URLs/browser history/bookmarks/Pocket/Pinboard/etc., saves HTML, JS, PDFs, media, and more...
MIT License
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Feature Request: Support for multiple languages/i18n/internationalization/translations for the UI and CLI #1084

Closed bluehysteric closed 1 year ago

bluehysteric commented 1 year ago

I hope ArchiveBox can add multiple languages, such as Chinese, Spanish, German, etc.

pirate commented 1 year ago

I would absolutely love to do this (I grew up in China actually and would love to get more users in China, I partially started ArchiveBox to help with anti-censorship efforts in China).

Unfortunately the reality of this being an un-funded personal side-project is that I don't have the capacity to add translations or code to support them, it's just too much work when I barely have enough time to push out one release a year for ArchiveBox as-is.

If ArchiveBox ever becomes a funded startup I'll definitely come back and reopen this!

对不起,ArchiveBox 没有中文翻译! أنا آسف ، لا تتوفر ترجمة عربية لـ ArchiveBox! Lo siento, ArchiveBox no tiene una traducción al español disponible a hora!

😿 🌐 🎏 👋 💟