The IIIF spec supports use of linking properties like seeAlso and related to refer to other resources about an item from inside a manifest. The Internet Archive's abundant derivative files could be linked from IA manifests, allowing clients to consume these resources easily.
(Real-world use case: a IIIF client that imports a printed document, then wants to import the OCR text.)
To take an example, this item has a manifest with these simple linking properties :+1:
The IIIF spec supports use of linking properties like
to refer to other resources about an item from inside a manifest. The Internet Archive's abundant derivative files could be linked from IA manifests, allowing clients to consume these resources easily.(Real-world use case: a IIIF client that imports a printed document, then wants to import the OCR text.)
To take an example, this item has a manifest with these simple linking properties :+1:
Adding the derived files to the manifest would look like this: