ArchiveTeam / NewsGrabber

Grabbing all news.
62 stars 32 forks source link

Added #58

Closed muke5hy closed 8 years ago

muke5hy commented 8 years ago

@HarryC145 I changed it, do I need to add another pull request ? and delete this one? Note: Newbie here doing pull request first time :)

HarryC145 commented 8 years ago

You should be able to update it. I still see a refresh of 10.

Are you part of ArchiveTeam or Bibanon?

muke5hy commented 8 years ago

Changed refresh time to 6 as it will be good to check it every 1 hour. No I'm not part the team, but would like to be part of ArchiveTeam

HarryC145 commented 8 years ago

We would welcome you into the ArchiveTeam, drop into #archiveteam on EFnet and say Hi. One more thing before we start on that site, you need to make sure that all the pages are on the same indent level, so you need to bring all the others back in line with the first one.